yuzhangbit / apollo_standalone

cmake version of apollo5.0
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 39 forks source link

apollo_standalone Build Status

Tested OS: ubuntu 16.04 LTS

This is a cmake version of the Apollo5.0 release. The project structure is much more clear and simpler than our previous work – port_apollo. Every CMakelists.txt file corresponds to a bazel BUILD file in the same folder.


Some of these libraries may have already been installed to your system. You still need to run the install_dependencies.sh to reinstall them, since apollo include directories in the source codes are different from the standard ones.


git clone --recursive git@github.com:yuzhangbit/apollo_standalone.git
cd apollo_standalone
## install all the dependencies
bash scripts/install_dependencies.sh


mkdir -p src/apollo/build && cd src/apollo/build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

All the test binary and library targets, config files and testdata will be installed to /apollo.

If you have followed the instruction and installed the cuda, you can enable cuda by

mkdir -p src/apollo/build && cd src/apollo/build
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Run Tests

bash run_all_test.bash

Since apollo tests need to load test data in /apollo directory to run, you have to do sudo make install first.


We provide a simple example for open_space planner, here is the result. d

NOTE: Not all the modules of apollo have been converted to cmake projects. We only convert codes related to open space planners under apollo/modules/planning directory. But by referring to our CMakeLists examples, you can convert interested apollo modules to cmake projects with ease. Below is the current converting status of apollo_standalone.

Use Apollo in Other CMake Projects

Once the installation is done successfully, the apollo codes can be used in other cmake projects via find_package as below:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.1)



find_package(apollo 5.0.0 CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(listener src/listener.cc)
target_link_libraries(listener apollo::cyber)

add_executable(talker src/talker.cc)
target_link_libraries(talker apollo::cyber)

An example_project is provided at src/example_project.

Modules Exported

Core Libraries


  1. Find the apollo targets via the config mode.
    list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "/apollo")
    find_package(apollo 5.0.0 CONFIG REQUIRED)
  2. Link against the targets you need. For example, if you call some functions from modules/planning, you can link against apollo::planning as below:
    add_executable(foo src/foo.cc)
    target_link_libraries(foo apollo::planning)
    # or
    add_library(foo src/foo.cc)
    target_link_libraries(foo apollo::planning)

    If you only use the protobuf interface of a module, link against the corresponding interface library:

    add_executable(foo src/foo.cc)
    target_link_libraries(foo apollo::perception_proto)

    No need to worry about the dependencies. They are also exported along with these apollo targets.