yuzhenning / ROS_turtlebot2

This is a file record Ubuntu based ROS and Turtlebot2 control system
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06 Kobuki-Robot-Getting start #6

Open yuzhenning opened 5 years ago

yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

kobuki Moving Platform - lecture

(Enable for Turtlebot2 and Qbot2)

具体参考:http://wiki.ros.org/kobuki/Tutorials 1.安装 1.1.安装包: sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-kobuki ros-hydro-kobuki-core 1.2.是能USB连接 rosrun kobuki_ftdi create_udev_rules 1.3.键盘控制 roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch 最小操作 roslaunch kobuki_keyop keyop.launch 键盘操作

yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

2.基本软件,观测传感器数据,发送命令 2.1 登录 屏幕显示 roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch --screen
2.2列主题 rostopic list 注:输入输出数据结构

/sensor/: /events/: /commands/: /debug/: 2.3 检查传感器 Check the bumpers: rostopic echo /mobile_base/events/bumper Check the wheel drop sensors: rostopic echo /mobile_base/events/wheel_drop Check the IMU: rostopic echo /mobile_base/sensors/imu_data 2.4触发 2.4.1 led操作 :0 - off 1 - green 2 - orange 3 - red rostopic pub /mobile_base/commands/led1 kobuki_msgs/Led "value: 1" 2.4.2 声音:0 - turn on 1 - turn off 2 - recharge start 3 - press button, 4 - error sound 5 - start cleaning 6 - cleaning end rostopic pub /mobile_base/commands/sound kobuki_msgs/Sound "value: 6" 2.4.3 速度发布 rostopic pub /mobile_base/commands/velocity geometry_msgs/Twist " linear: angular: x: 1.0 x: 0.0 y: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 z: 0.0
yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

3.移动 3.1 登录使用(键盘) $ roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch --screen $ roslaunch kobuki_keyop safe_keyop.launch (safe_keyop速度平滑 保险杠检测)

yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

4。硬件测试 4.1 电池测试-安装qtestsuite ? 4.2 数字量输出口 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_digital_output.py 4.3 硬件组建测试 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_events.py 4.4 模拟输入 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_analog_input.py 4.5 电池电压 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_battery_voltage.py 4.6 陀螺 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_gyro.py 4.7 LED rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_led_array.py 4.8 简单运动 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_rotation.py rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_translation.py 4.9 声音 rosrun kobuki_testsuite test_sounds.py

yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

5对话框 运动GUI 5.1 安装 sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rqt-robot-monitor 5.2 运行 rosrun rqt_robot_monitor rqt_robot_monitor

yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

6 测试自动对接(需红外对接站??) **界面式查kobuki的电量(先运行节点):rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui

yuzhenning commented 5 years ago

kobuki 学习笔记for ROS note: quanser-qbot2 對 kobuki command 有效, 對 turtlebot 系列command 無效。 turtlebot2 對 kobuki 和 turtlebot command 都有效