yuzhva / react-leaflet-markercluster

React wrapper of the official Leaflet.markercluster for react-leaflet
MIT License
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leaflet markercluster react

React leaflet markercluster

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React wrapper of Leaflet.markercluster for react-leaflet

React leaflet markercluster

Examples with the Documentation: https://yuzhva.github.io/react-leaflet-markercluster/
CodeSandbox Getting Started


If you are faced with an issue with markers overlapping during map zooming, or they are overlapping because they are close to each other - you probably need to group them.
That is what you can do with react-leaflet-markercluster.

Just grab your markers inside <MarkerClusterGroup /> component, right after <TileLayer />:

import MarkerClusterGroup from 'react-leaflet-markercluster';

  <Marker position={[49.8397, 24.0297]} />
  <Marker position={[52.2297, 21.0122]} />
  <Marker position={[51.5074, -0.0901]} />

Note: Before getting started, please see these useful guides:

Table of Contents

Getting started

1. Install package:

yarn add react-leaflet-markercluster@next # yarn
npm install react-leaflet-markercluster # npm

NOTE: the @next is required for react-leaflet v3 support. If you are still using react-leaflet v3, add dependency as react-leaflet-markercluster@^2.x.x

The react-leaflet-markercluster requires leaflet.markercluster as peerDependency

(Leaflet and react-leaflet also should be installed)

yarn add leaflet.markercluster leaflet react-leaflet # yarn
npm install leaflet.markercluster leaflet react-leaflet # npm

2. Import markercluster and leaflet styles:

@import '~leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'; // sass
@import '~react-leaflet-markercluster/dist/styles.min.css'; // sass

require('~leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'); // inside .js file
require('react-leaflet-markercluster/dist/styles.min.css'); // inside .js file

Or include CSS styles directly to the head of HTML file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" />


3. Write some simple react-leaflet Map:

import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker } from 'react-leaflet';

  center={[51.0, 19.0]}
    attribution='&copy; <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

  <Marker position={[49.8397, 24.0297]} />
  <Marker position={[52.2297, 21.0122]} />
  <Marker position={[51.5074, -0.0901]} />

NOTE: Remember to add map styles .markercluster-map { height: 90vh; }.

4. Just grab your markers inside <MarkerClusterGroup /> component, right after <TileLayer />:

import MarkerClusterGroup from 'react-leaflet-markercluster';

  <Marker position={[49.8397, 24.0297]} />
  <Marker position={[52.2297, 21.0122]} />
  <Marker position={[51.5074, -0.0901]} />

More examples with the Documentation
CodeSandbox Getting Started


Just pass whatever option you need from All Leaflet.markercluster Options to MarkerClusterGroup as prop.

For example:

<MarkerClusterGroup showCoverageOnHover={false} />


const createClusterCustomIcon = function (cluster) {
  return L.divIcon({
    html: `<span>${cluster.getChildCount()}</span>`,
    className: 'marker-cluster-custom',
    iconSize: L.point(40, 40, true),

<MarkerClusterGroup iconCreateFunction={createClusterCustomIcon} />

P.S: Examples for v1 are available at CHANGELOG.md

Event listeners

You are able to add any listener, supported by Leaflet, with simple on property prefix.

How to run DEV env

1. Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/YUzhva/react-leaflet-markercluster.git

2. Install all dependencies:

yarn install --no-lockfile # yarn
npm install # npm

3. Start the server:

yarn dev # yarn
npm run dev # npm

4. After starting the server, storybook should automatically open the following address:


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

Avatars rendered by contributors-img.

Special thanks to:


All sources are placed in the ./src folder:

1. Fork the repo.

2. Edit react-leaflet-markercluster.js plugin or style.scss style files.

3. Commit your changes and open Pull Request.

:beer: Thank you for contribution :beer:


UMD builds are available on unpkg:

<!-- unpkg, production code (minified) -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-leaflet-markercluster/dist/index.js"></script>
<!-- unpkg, development code -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-leaflet-markercluster/src/react-leaflet-markercluster.js"></script>

<!-- unpkg, production styles (minified) -->
<!-- unpkg, development styles -->


MIT License, see LICENSE file.