ywpark1 / portfolio-generator

Create the portfolio by filling out the form
MIT License
1 stars 8 forks source link

# Portfolio Generator

This is a resume/portfolio html file generator.

Getting Started

This project is using C# and .NET Core framework with CLI tools.


Windows Prerequisites

macOS Prerequisites

Linux Prerequisites


To check whether the dotnet CLI is installed on your machine, run :

dotnet --info

For further information on dotnet CLI installation go to the following website:



  1. Move to the root directory of this project (portfolio-generator), and run the following :
dotnet run --project ./Portfolio-generator-console/Portfolio-generator-console.csproj
  1. The generated html file (index.html) is stored under 'portfolio' directory.

Currently, 'name' can be changed in the template.

NOTE : It is continuously updating.

Upload to Repository ([USER_NAME.github.io])

  1. Create new repository with the name 'USER_NAME.github.io'. (*)

  2. Copy the repository URL (ex. https://github.com/USER_NAME/USER_NAME.github.io.git). (*)

  3. In the Command Line, move to the root directory of this project(portfolio-generator).

  4. Run the following commands :

  1. Enter the repository URL you copied.

  2. Enter the github username and password to upload files to repository. ⋅⋅* If it displays an error, check your repository URL.

(*) : Replace the USER_NAME with your github account username.

NOTE : It is working with empty repository only.

Template Fields

NOTE : It is continuously updating.



Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. -Name1 -Name2 ..


-Give credit to websites/code used online -Inspiration