This project studies Parallel Rule Discovery from Large Datasets by Sampling. To scale with large datasets, this paper proposes a multi-round sampling strategy for rule discovery. We consider entity enhancing rules (REEs) for collective entity resolution and conflict resolution, which may carry constant patterns and machine learning predicates. We sample large datasets with accuracy bounds 𝛼 and 𝛽 such that at least 𝛼% of rules discovered from samples are guaranteed to hold on the entire dataset (i.e., precision), and at least 𝛽% of rules on the entire dataset can be mined from the samples (i.e., recall). We also quantify the connection between support and confidence of the rules on samples and their counterparts on the entire dataset. To scale with the number of tuple variables in collective rules, we adopt deep Q-learning to select semantically relevant predicates. To improve the recall, we develop a tableau method to recover constant patterns from the dataset. We parallelize the algorithm such that it guarantees to reduce runtime when more processors are used. Using real-life and synthetic data, we empirically verify that the method speeds up REE discovery by 12.2 times with sample ratio 10% and recall 82%.
The codes mainly include two parts:
Before building the projects, the following prerequisites need to be installed:
--- The source code of dynamic predicate filtering and rule interestingness
This code is for REEs discovery. Below we give a toy example.
Put the datasets into HDFS:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp/datasets_discovery/
hdfs dfs -put airports.csv /tmp/datasets_discovery/
put the files related to DQN model into HDFS:
hdfs dfs mkdir -p /tmp/rulefind/DQNairports/
hdfs dfs -put airports_model.txt /tmp/rulefind/DQNairports/
hdfs dfs mkdir -p /tmp/rulefind/allPredicates/ hdfs dfs -put airports_predicates.txt /tmp/rulefind/allPredicates/
3. Download all the dependencies from Google Drive link:, then move the directory lib/ into mls-server/example/:
cd mls-server/ mv lib/ example/
4. Compile and build the project:
mvn package
Then move and replace the **mls-server-0.1.1.jar** from mls-server/target/ to example/lib/:
mv target/mls_server-0.1.1.jar example/lib/
5. After all these preparation, run the toy example:
cd example/scripts/
The results will be shown in discoveryResults/, as 'resRootFile' in run_unit_*.sh shows.
## Datasets
Only contain a small dataset Airport.
The others are in the following link: