React native rsa crypto lib
Initially this was created for encrypted messaging
Client would generate RSA key pairs and store private key locally and share the public key.
npm install react-native-rsa
Generate RSA keys
var RSAKey = require('react-native-rsa');
const bits = 1024;
const exponent = '10001'; // must be a string. This is hex string. decimal = 65537
var rsa = new RSAKey();
rsa.generate(bits, exponent);
var publicKey = rsa.getPublicString(); // return json encoded string
var privateKey = rsa.getPrivateString(); // return json encoded string
var rsa = new RSAKey();
var originText = 'sample String Value';
var encrypted = rsa.encrypt(originText);
var decrypted = rsa.decrypt(encrypted); // decrypted == originText
Tested works with ursa in nodejs (with ursa padding set to PKCS1).
This lib uses Tom Wu's jsbn