z-kit / z-grid

A 12-column grid system for your web application
MIT License
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browser component css-components grid grid-system preact react sfc ui web


Build SemVer License

A 12-column grid system for your web application. The package is intended to be used in a web page.

Table of contents


The package is available to download through npm:

npm install z-grid --save

Import as HTML/CSS component

The simple case

The package will be located inside the node_modules folder, you can import it into the HTML document as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/z-kit/z-grid/blob/master/node_modules/z-grid/dist/style.module.css">

When bundling an web app

For bundlers that support CSS, like Webpack, you can use it like this:


Import as a Stateless Functional Component (SFC)

The package does not include the renderer, you can use any renderer that supports SFCs. You could use React, Preact, Inferno, etc.

Notice: This package contains CSS styling, you may need a bundler that's capable of requiring CSS files like Webpack with css-loader.

Once you have chosen the renderer you can include the package in your project as follows:

// Assuming the React renderer is being used
const React = require('react');
const render = require('react-dom').render;

// Passing the render function when importing
const ZGrid = require('z-grid').ZGrid(React.createElement);
const ZColumn = require('z-grid').ZColumn(React.createElement);

// Render it on page, using JSX here :)
render(<ZGrid><ZColumn>Hello!</ZColumn></ZGrid>, document.body);

How to use

CSS component

Just add the HTML structure and CSS classes to reproduce the UI component.

Class hierarchy

Recommended HTML tags Parent Class Description Type
div, section, main, article, nav root .z-grid Root container Block
Any containing z.grid root .z-grid--vertical Makes the grid vertical instead of horizontal Modifier
Any containing z.grid root .z-grid--reverse Reverses the grid start direction, starts it on the right for LTR and left for RTL Modifier
Any containing z.grid root .z-grid--center Centers the grid horizontally within the outer element Modifier
Any containing z.grid root .z-grid--cross-center Centers the grid vertically within the parent element Modifier
Any containing z.grid root .z-grid--stretch Stretch the columns to fill all the available vertical space Modifier
Any containing z.grid root .z-grid--gutter Enables the grid gutters, adds spacing between columns Modifier
div, section, article, ul, ol, li .z-grid .z-grid__col A grid column Element
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--1-12 One grid unit, column will occupy 1/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--2-12 This column will occupy 2/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--3-12 This column will occupy 3/12 (quarter) of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--4-12 This column will occupy 4/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--5-12 This column will occupy 5/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--6-12 This column will occupy 6/12 (half) of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--7-12 This column will occupy 7/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--8-12 This column will occupy 8/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--9-12 This column will occupy 9/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--10-12 This column will occupy 10/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--11-12 This column will occupy 11/12 of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--12-12 This column will occupy 12/12 (all) of the grid space Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--sm-*-12 Same as .z-grid__col--*-12 classes, but only effective for screens wider than 35.5rem Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--md-*-12 Same as .z-grid__col--*-12 classes, but only effective for screens wider than 48rem Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--lg-*-12 Same as .z-grid__col--*-12 classes, but only effective for screens wider than 64rem Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--xl-*-12 Same as .z-grid__col--*-12 classes, but only effective for screens wider than 80rem Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--fit Special column that will stretch to fit the remaining space available Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--center Center this column within the grid Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--end Put this column at the end of the grid Modifier
Any containing .z-grid__col .z-grid .z-grid__col--important Overrides the order of the grid, put this column first Modifier

Full working example:

<div class="z-grid z-grid--gutter">
  <div class="z-grid__col--6-12">Half</div>
  <div class="z-grid__col--6-12">Half</div>

Stateless Functional Component

Render the HTML by using the SFCs and passing props.


Supported Props
Prop name Expected Type Description
element string The name of the HTML tag the grid should render as root element, defaults to div
children One or more ZColumn The columns to render
gutter boolean Set to true to enable the gutters
center boolean Set to true to center the grid within the parent element
crossCenter boolean Set to true to center the grid vertically within the parent element
reverse boolean Set to true to start the grid from the end, right in LTR and left in RTL
stretch boolean Set to true to stretch the columns to fill the remaining space in the grid


Supported Props
Prop name Expected Type Description
element string The name of the HTML tag the grid should render as root element, defaults to div
children HTMLElement The column content
fill number Number of grid units this column should occupy, max 12
sm number Number of grid units this column should occupy when grid width > 35.5rem
md number Number of grid units this column should occupy when grid width > 48rem
lg number Number of grid units this column should occupy when grid width > 64rem
xl number Number of grid units this column should occupy when grid width > 80rem
fit boolean Set to true to make this column fill the rest of the grid space
center boolean Set to true to center this column within the grid
end boolean Set to true to make this column appear in the end of the grid
important boolean Set to true to make this column override the grid order and appear first

Full example (JSX):

<ZGrid gutter>
  <ZColumn fill={6}>Half</ZColumn>
  <ZColumn fill={6}>Half</ZColumn>