z3z1ma / tap-mongodb

Tap for mongodb emphasizing simplicity and leveraging Meltano SDK
MIT License
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tap-mongodb is a Singer tap for MongoDB.

This tap differentiates itself from existing taps in a few ways. First, rather than expose a very specific set of configuration options for the underlying pymongo driver, we expose all possible arguments by accepting an object underneath the mongo key which pass all kwargs straight through to the driver. There are over 40 configurable kwargs available as seen here. This gives it more flexibility in contrast to a constrained interface. Secondly, this tap has three output modes configurable via strategy: raw | envelope | infer.

The last differentiator is the minimal code footprint in comparison to existing Mongo taps. I hope that this tap exemplifies how we can use as little code as possible with the existing plumbing in the SDK. The SDK means the tap supports the BATCH specification out of the box and is able to receive ongoing updates and improvements as the SDK continues to mature.


The package on pypi is named z3-tap-mongodb but the executable it ships with is simply tap-mongodb. This allows me to release work without concerns of naming conflicts on the package index.

# Use pipx or pip
pipx install z3-tap-mongodb
# Verify it is installed
tap-mongodb --version

Incremental Syncs

We support incremental syncs on a collection by collection basis. All this requires is the developer adding a replication_key to the catalog for a stream. After dumping the tap-mongodb --config ... --discover > catalog.json, you can modify the catalog and version control it for ongoing use. If using meltano, you can use the metadata key to update the catalog dynamically achieving the same effect. One caveat of our incrementality is that this relies on an alphanumerically sortable replication key. This accounts for a majority of use cases but there are some edge cases. Integer based replication keys (such as epochs) work fine obviously, ISO formatted dates work fine, but any other format may not work as expected.


Setting Required Default Description
mongo True None These props are passed directly to pymongo MongoClient allowing the tap user full flexibility not provided in any other Mongo tap since every kwarg can be tuned.
mongo_file_location False Optional path to a YAML file containing the mongo configuration properties
stream_prefix False Optionally add a prefix for all streams, useful if ingesting from multiple shards/clusters via independent tap-mongodb configs. This is applied during catalog generation. Regenerate the catalog to apply a new stream prefix.
optional_replication_key False 0 This setting allows the tap to continue processing if a document is missing the replication key. Useful if a very small percentage of documents are missing the property.
database_includes False None A list of databases to include. If this list is empty, all databases will be included.
database_excludes False None A list of databases to exclude. If this list is empty, no databases will be excluded.
strategy False "raw" The strategy to use for schema resolution. Defaults to 'raw'. The 'raw' strategy uses a relaxed schema using additionalProperties: true to accept the document as-is leaving the target to respect it. Useful for blob or jsonl. The 'envelope' strategy will envelope the document under a key named document. The target should use a variant type for this key. The 'infer' strategy will infer the schema from the data based on a configurable number of documents.
infer_schema_max_docs False 2000 The maximum number of documents to sample when inferring the schema. This is only used when strategy is set to infer.
batch_config False None Batch configuration as defined here
stream_maps False None
stream_map_config False None User-defined config values to be used within map expressions.
flattening_enabled False None 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties.
flattening_max_depth False None The max depth to flatten schemas.

A full list of supported settings and capabilities is available by running: tap-mongodb --about

Configure using environment variables

This Singer tap will automatically import any environment variables within the working directory's .env if the --config=ENV is provided, such that config values will be considered if a matching environment variable is set either in the terminal context or in the .env file.



You can easily run tap-mongodb by itself or in a pipeline using Meltano.

Executing the Tap Directly

tap-mongodb --version
tap-mongodb --help
tap-mongodb --config CONFIG --discover > ./catalog.json

Developer Resources

Initialize your Development Environment

pipx install poetry
poetry install

Create and Run Tests

Create tests within the tap_mongodb/tests subfolder and then run:

poetry run pytest

You can also test the tap-mongodb CLI interface directly using poetry run:

poetry run tap-mongodb --help

Testing with Meltano

Note: This tap will work in any Singer environment and does not require Meltano. Examples here are for convenience and to streamline end-to-end orchestration scenarios.

Your project comes with a custom meltano.yml project file already created. Open the meltano.yml and follow any "TODO" items listed in the file.

Next, install Meltano (if you haven't already) and any needed plugins:

# Install meltano
pipx install meltano
# Initialize meltano within this directory
cd tap-mongodb
meltano install

Now you can test and orchestrate using Meltano:

# Test invocation:
meltano invoke tap-mongodb --version
# OR run a test `elt` pipeline:
meltano elt tap-mongodb target-jsonl

SDK Dev Guide

See the dev guide for more instructions on how to use the SDK to develop your own taps and targets.

Built with the Meltano Tap SDK for Singer Taps.