zEttOn86 / 3D-Unet

Chainer implementation of 3D Unet for brain segmentaion.
MIT License
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Chainer implementation of 3D Unet for brain segmentaion.
Training configs are written at configs/base.yml.
Because of the limitation of GPU memory, we used patch based method.


Network architecture

3D Unet architecture



To train 3D unet.

python train.py -h

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gpu GPU, -g GPU     GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)
  --base BASE, -B BASE  base directory path of program files
  --config_path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to config file
  --out OUT, -o OUT     Directory to output the result
  --model MODEL, -m MODEL
                        Load model data
  --resume RESUME, -res RESUME
                        Resume the training from snapshot
  --root ROOT, -R ROOT  Root directory path of input image
  --training_list TRAINING_LIST
                        Path to training image list file
  --validation_list VALIDATION_LIST
                        Path to validation image list file

To train 3D Unet using gpu

python train.py -g 0

To predict images with trained network.

python predict.py -h

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gpu GPU, -g GPU     GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)
  --base BASE, -B BASE  base directory path of program files
  --config_path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to config file
  --out OUT, -o OUT     Directory to output the result
  --model MODEL, -m MODEL
                        Load model data(snapshot)
  --root ROOT, -R ROOT  Root directory path of input image
  --test_list TEST_LIST
                        Path to test image list file

To predict label using gpu

python predict.py -g 0 -m results/training/UNet3D_150000.npz

Training result

Training loss and dice score.

loss dice

Predicted result

Example of input image


Example of ground truth


Example of prediction



We calculated jaccard index of image shown above.

label J.I.
0 0.99553
1 0.83438
2 0.86771
3 0.91392
4 0.80850
5 0.88321
6 0.87240