Deck Simulator and Optimizer for Tyrant Unleashed!
usage: tu_optimize.exe Your_Deck Enemy_Deck [Flags] [Operations] Your_Deck: the name/hash/cards of a custom deck. Enemy_Deck: 1) semicolon separated list of defense decks, syntax: deck1[:factor1];deck2[:factor2];... where deck is the name/hash/cards of a mission or custom deck, and factor is optional. The default factor is 1. example: "94. Heart of Tartarus" is the deck of mission 94. Heart of Tartarus at Level 10. example: "eerie-spam:0.2;nbd-spam:0.8" means eerie-spam is the defense deck 20% of the time, while nbd-spam is the defense deck 80% of the time. 2) a regular expression surrounded by /. regular expression will be used to search all custom decks for matching keys. example: "/^GT/" will select all custom decks starting with the letters GT. Mode: pvp: attacker goes first. Simulate/optimize for win rate. Normally used for missions or pvp. [default] pvp-defense: attacker goes second. Simulate/optimize for win rate + stall rate. Normally used for pvp defense. gw: attacker goes second. Simulate/optimize for win rate. Normally used for guild wars. gw-abp: attacker goes second. Simulate/optimize for average battle points. Normally used for guild wars. gw-defense: attacker goes first. Simulate/optimize for win rate + stall rate. Normally used for gw defense. Order: random: the attack deck is played randomly. [default] ordered: the attack deck is played in order instead of randomly (respects the 3 cards drawn limit). Flags: yfort <your_fortress_cards>: your fortress structures. your_fortress_cards: the name/hash/cards of one or two fortress structures. efort <enemy_fortress_cards>: enemy fortress structures. enemy_fortress_cards: the name/hash/cards of one or two fortress structures. -e <effect>: set the battleground effect. use "tu_optimize Po Po -e list" to get a list of all available effects. -t <num>: set the number of threads, default is 4. -turnlimit <num>: set the number of turns in a battle, default is 50. -v: less verbose output. Omits output about your and enemy's deck and fortress Flags for climb: -c: don't try to optimize the commander. -L <min> <max>: restrict deck size between <min> and <max>. -o: restrict to the owned cards listed in "data/ownedcards.txt". -o=<filename>: restrict to the owned cards listed in <filename>. example: -o=data/mycards.txt. -o=<cards>: restrict to the owned cards specified. example: -o="Sacred Equalizer#2, Infantry". -C: load custom cards from "data/customcards.txt". -C=<filename>: load custom cards from. -C=<cards>: load custom cards specified. format: CardName1, Rarity Faction attack/health/delay, skill 1, skill 2, ... ; CardName2, ... example: -C="Commander Sheppard, Legendary Raider 100HP, rally all 3; Gremlin, common bloodthirsty 1/3/0, berserk 1, leech 1" target <num>: stop as soon as the score reaches <num>. Operations: sim <num>: simulate <num> battles to evaluate a deck. climb <num>: perform hill-climbing starting from the given attack deck, using up to <num> battles to evaluate a deck. reorder <num>: optimize the order for given attack deck, using up to <num> battles to evaluate an order.
Remark: Due to html character escaping this might read awkward in readme.txt. Open to get latest version in formatted view.
If you receive virus warnings for SimpleTUOptimizeStarter.exe
please read here.
- credits HarlequinDSimpleTUOptimizeStarter
- Issue#49cards.xml
and missions.xml
- Mission
and missions.xml
- Mission Gauntlet.GT150k
to data/customdecks_template.txt
- credits HarlequinD>tu_optimize "Alaric, TestOverload #3" "Constantine, Bolt Crag #3" -C="TestOverload, raider 4/14/1, overload 2, strike all 3" sim 10000 Your Deck: [RE!+f+j] Alaric, TestOverload, TestOverload, TestOverload Enemy's Deck: [S6-F9+j] Constantine, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag win%: 100 (10000 / 10000) stall%: 0 (0 / 10000) loss%: 0 (0 / 10000)
to Gauntlet20
in data/customdecks_template.txt
to solve naming conflicts with Mission #2211 "Gauntlet" cards.xml
allows to select new bg effect rally
and missions.xml
- Mission Balefire.>tu_optimize "Typhon Vex, Sphinxite" "Alaric, Zodiac Harbinger" -v sim 1000 win%: 100 (1000 / 1000) stall%: 0 (0 / 1000) loss%: 0 (0 / 1000)
>tu_optimize "Constantine, Zodiac Harbinger" "Constantine, Bolt Crag" -e "Rally 2" sim 1000 Your Deck: Deck: S6-MP Enemy's Deck: Deck: S6-F9 Effect: Rally 2 win%: 0 (0 / 1000) stall%: 100 (1000 / 1000) loss%: 0 (0 / 1000)
>tu_optimize "Constantine, Zodiac Harbinger" "Constantine, Bolt Crag" -e "Rally 3" sim 1000 Your Deck: Deck: S6-MP Enemy's Deck: Deck: S6-F9 Effect: Rally 3 win%: 100 (1000 / 1000) stall%: 0 (0 / 1000) loss%: 0 (0 / 1000)
allows to update cards.xml
and missions.xml
allows to launch editor for ownedcards.txt
, customdeck.txt
and cardabbrs.txt
allows to configure number of threads used for simulations.SimpleTUOptimizeStarter
required to enter a SPACE after specifying Flags:
. No longer needed.SimpleTUOptimizeStarter
to readme.txtcards.xml
- 5 new basic epics eg. Sinew Feeder.SimpleTUOptimizeStarter
now allows to configure most use cases without setting additional flags. Try
and missions.xml
- mission
. Eg. Razogoth Mutant-5 contains all Razogoth Mutant cards at level 5>tu_optimize "Constantine, Bolt Crag#5, Tempest Citadel#2" "Razogoth Mutant" -o="Barracus, Insanitius, Arch Nova, Omega Nexus, Sacred Sanctuary, Tazerious, Ayrkrane Vik, Necropocalypse, Mawcor" -r climb 10000 Your Deck: [S6-F9+loS+i] Constantine, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Tempest Citadel, Tempest Citadel Enemy's Deck: [U+-lE+i-lK+i-lQ+i-lW+i-lc+i] Razogoth Mutant, Shadow Mutant, Shadow Mutant, Razoling Mutant, Razoling Mutant, Gloom Mutant, Gloom Mutant, Typhon's Mutant, Typhon's Mutant, Dream Mutator, Dream Mutator 2.01 (201 / 10000) 2.01: Constantine, Bolt Crag #5, Tempest Citadel #2 Deck improved: S6-F9-cD-F9+joS+i 0 [4381] Bolt Crag -> 1 [5795] Tazerious: 2.05 (205 / 10000) 2.05: Constantine, Bolt Crag, Tazerious, Bolt Crag #3, Tempest Citadel #2 Deck improved: S6-F9+koS-F9oS 1 [5795] Tazerious -> 5 [4381] Bolt Crag: 2.12 (212 / 10000) 2.12: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Tempest Citadel, Bolt Crag, Tempest Citadel Deck improved: S6-F9+koS+i-F9 5 [4381] Bolt Crag -> 6 [4381] Bolt Crag: 2.82 (282 / 10000) 2.82: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Tempest Citadel #2, Bolt Crag Deck improved: S6-F9+i-c9-F9+ioS+i-F9 7 -void- -> 2 [5853] Arch Nova: 2.88 (288 / 10000) 2.88: Constantine, Bolt Crag #2, Arch Nova, Bolt Crag #2, Tempest Citadel #2, Bolt Crag Deck improved: S6-F9-cD-F9-c9-F9+ioS+i-F9 8 -void- -> 1 [5795] Tazerious: 3.21 (321 / 10000) 3.21: Constantine, Bolt Crag, Tazerious, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Bolt Crag #2, Tempest Citadel #2, Bolt Crag Deck improved: S6-F9-cD-F9-c9-F9+ioS+i-fN-F9 9 -void- -> 8 [5997] Insanitius: 3.47 (347 / 10000) 3.47: Constantine, Bolt Crag, Tazerious, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Bolt Crag #2, Tempest Citadel #2, Insanitius, Bolt Crag Deck improved: S6-F9-cD-F9-c9-F9+ioS+i-F9-fN 9 [4381] Bolt Crag -> 8 [4381] Bolt Crag: 3.84 (384 / 10000) 3.84: Constantine, Bolt Crag, Tazerious, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Bolt Crag #2, Tempest Citadel #2, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+i-c9-F9+ikOoS+i-F9-fN 1 [5795] Tazerious -> 5 [2318] Sacred Sanctuary: 4.21 (421 / 10000) 4.21: Constantine, Bolt Crag #2, Arch Nova, Bolt Crag #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Tempest Citadel #2, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+kkOoS+i-GV-F9-fN 2 [5853] Arch Nova -> 7 [4405] Ayrkrane Vik: 5.97 (597 / 10000) 5.97: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Sacred Sanctuary, Tempest Citadel #2, Ayrkrane Vik, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+jkOoS-F9oS-GV-F9-fN 2 [4381] Bolt Crag -> 5 [4381] Bolt Crag: 5.98 (598 / 10000) 5.98: Constantine, Bolt Crag #3, Sacred Sanctuary, Tempest Citadel, Bolt Crag, Tempest Citadel, Ayrkrane Vik, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+joS-F9oSkO-GV-F9-fN 3 [2318] Sacred Sanctuary -> 6 [2318] Sacred Sanctuary: 6.1 (610 / 10000) 6.1: Constantine, Bolt Crag #3, Tempest Citadel, Bolt Crag, Tempest Citadel, Sacred Sanctuary, Ayrkrane Vik, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+joS+ikO-F9-GV-F9-fN 4 [4381] Bolt Crag -> 6 [4381] Bolt Crag: 6.31 (631 / 10000) 6.31: Constantine, Bolt Crag #3, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag, Ayrkrane Vik, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+joS+ikO-F9-c9-F9-fN 7 [4405] Ayrkrane Vik -> 7 [5853] Arch Nova: 6.5 (650 / 10000) 6.5: Constantine, Bolt Crag #3, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Bolt Crag, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+joS+ikO-F9+i-c9-fN 7 [5853] Arch Nova -> 8 [5853] Arch Nova: 6.77 (677 / 10000) 6.77: Constantine, Bolt Crag #3, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag #2, Arch Nova, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+koS+ikO-F9-c9-fN 7 [4381] Bolt Crag -> 0 [4381] Bolt Crag: 6.92 (692 / 10000) 6.92: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+koS+ikO-F9-cD-fN 8 [5853] Arch Nova -> 8 [5795] Tazerious: 7.38 (738 / 10000) 7.38: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag, Tazerious, Insanitius Deck improved: S6-F9+koS+ikO-F9-c9-cD 9 [5997] Insanitius -> 8 [5853] Arch Nova: 7.54 (754 / 10000) 7.54: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Tazerious Evaluated 1250 decks (1681634 + 1362939 simulations). Optimized Deck: 7.54: Constantine, Bolt Crag #4, Tempest Citadel #2, Sacred Sanctuary, Bolt Crag, Arch Nova, Tazerious
and missions.xml
- mission Infested Rastaxcards.xml
and missions.xml
- mission Blightbloom
tu_optimize "Cyrus, Bolt Crag(5)" "Barracus, Mephalus Gorge(2), Noble Defiance" -e "Corrosive 3" sim 10000 Your Deck: [RW-F9+l] Cyrus, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag, Bolt Crag Enemy's Deck: [So-Iq-hY+i] Barracus, Mephalus Gorge, Mephalus Gorge, Noble Defiance Effect: Corrosive 3 win%: 33.08 (3308 / 10000) stall%: 0 (0 / 10000) loss%: 66.92 (6692 / 10000)
tu_optimize "Cyrus, Vigil" "Test Oracle, Medic" +v debug ... TURN 21 begins for Commander [Cyrus hp:14] Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:14] skill Heal imperial 2 Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:14] skill Siege 1 Evaluating Assault 0 [Vigil att:5 hp:12, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] skill Heal all 1 Evaluating Assault 0 [Vigil att:5 hp:12, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] skill Rally all righteous 1 Possible targets of Rally: \+ Assault 0 [Vigil att:5 hp:12, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] Assault 0 [Vigil att:5 hp:12, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] Rally (1) on Assault 0 [Vigil att:5 hp:12, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] Assault 0 [Vigil att:5+1(rallied)=1 hp:12, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] attacks Commander [Test Oracle hp:24] for 1 damage Commander [Test Oracle hp:24] takes 1 damage TURN 21 ends for Commander [Cyrus hp:14] ... Stall after 50 turns. win%: 0 (0 / 1) stall%: 100 (1 / 1) loss%: 0 (0 / 1) ... tu_optimize "Cyrus, Dread Panzer" "Test Oracle, Medic" +v debug ... TURN 19 begins for Commander [Cyrus hp:14] Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:14] skill Heal imperial 2 Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:14] skill Siege 1 Assault 0 [Dread Panzer att:5 hp:6, corroded 4 [speed:+1]] attacks Commander [Test Oracle hp:30] for 1 damage Commander [Test Oracle hp:30] takes 1 damage TURN 19 ends for Commander [Cyrus hp:14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TURN 20 begins for Commander [Test Oracle hp:29] TURN 20 ends for Commander [Test Oracle hp:29] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TURN 21 begins for Commander [Cyrus hp:14] Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:14] skill Heal imperial 2 Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:14] skill Siege 1 Assault 0 [Dread Panzer att:5 hp:6, corroded 5 [speed:+1]] does not attack and looses corrosion TURN 21 ends for Commander [Cyrus hp:14] ... You win. win%: 100 (1 / 1) stall%: 0 (0 / 1) loss%: 0 (0 / 1)
and missions.xml
- New fusions (e.g. Honorable Samurai)data/ownedcards.txt
New commandline arguments (yfort cards.xml
and missions.xml
- Rastaxmissions.xml
will no longer stop the program. Instead an error message like this will be displayed:
Exception [While trying to find the card with id 5603: no such key in the cards_by_id map.] while loading deck [Interruption] from file missions.xml. Skip loading this mission.
and missions.xml
including 106. World's EndSimpleTUOptimizeStarter
to use Bombardment Tank-3
syntax corrected in customdecks_template.txt
. Example: example_group: eerie-spam:0.2;nbd-spam:0.8
for easy reusecustomdecks_template.txt
contains data for famous gauntlets (GT125k, GT100k, Gauntlet) from [Excel Sim] Version 6.2 - credits rbwabd. If copied
to your customdecks.txt
you can run tu_optimize mydeck GT125k sim 10000
tu_optimize.exe "Barracus, Starformer(2)" "Constantine, Vigil(10)" -e "Poison 2" sim 10000 Your Deck: [SoO6+i] Barracus, Starformer, Starformer Enemy's Deck: [S6Cd+q] Constantine, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil Effect: Poison 2 win%: 99.75 (9975 / 10000) stall%: 0.07 (7 / 10000) loss%: 0.18 (18 / 10000)
tu_optimize.exe "Nex, Apex(10)" "Obama, SF(5)" -e "Leech 3" sim 1000000 Your Deck: [S0CC+q] Nexor, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex Enemy's Deck: [SoO6+l] Barracus, Starformer, Starformer, Starformer, Starformer, Starformer Effect: Leech 3 win%: 22.3022 (223022 / 1000000) stall%: 1.0532 (10532 / 1000000) loss%: 76.6446 (766446 / 1000000)
tu_optimize "Alaric, Vigil(5)" "Obama, Terraformer(5)" -e "Heal 1" sim 100000 Your Deck: [RECd+l] Alaric, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil Enemy's Deck: [SoOe+l] Barracus, Terraformer, Terraformer, Terraformer, Terraformer, Terraformer Effect: Heal 1 win%: 98.553 (98553 / 100000) stall%: 1.39 (1390 / 100000) loss%: 0.057 (57 / 100000)
tu_optimize "Alaric, Blitz(6)" "Barracus, Apex" -e "Evade 1" sim 10000 Your Deck: [REIJ+m] Alaric, Blitz, Blitz, Blitz, Blitz, Blitz, Blitz Enemy's Deck: [SoCC] Barracus, Apex Effect: Evade 1 win%: 100 (10000 / 10000) stall%: 0 (0 / 10000) loss%: 0 (0 / 10000)
tu_optimize "Alaric, Vigil(4)" "Halcyon, Windreaver(5)" -e "Counter 1" sim 10000 Your Deck: [RECd+k] Alaric, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil Enemy's Deck: [QEIP+l] Halcyon, Windreaver, Windreaver, Windreaver, Windreaver, Windreaver Effect: Counter 1 win%: 25.08 (2508 / 10000) stall%: 1.29 (129 / 10000) loss%: 73.63 (7363 / 10000)
tu_optimize "Vex, HA(5)" "Halcyon, Galereaver(3)" -e "Berserk 3" sim 10000 Your Deck: [QKLQ+l] Typhon Vex, Havoc Alpha, Havoc Alpha, Havoc Alpha, Havoc Alpha, Havoc Alpha Enemy's Deck: [QE-QB+j] Halcyon, Galereaver, Galereaver, Galereaver Effect: Berserk 3 win%: 11.92 (1192 / 10000) stall%: 15.05 (1505 / 10000) loss%: 73.03 (7303 / 10000)
tu_optimize "Alaric, Vigil(3)" "Obama, Apex(5)" -e "Armor 2" sim 10000 Your Deck: [RECd+j] Alaric, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil Enemy's Deck: [SoCC+l] Barracus, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex, Apex Effect: Armored 2 win%: 73.12 (7312 / 10000) stall%: 25.31 (2531 / 10000) loss%: 1.57 (157 / 10000)
tu_optimize "Barracus, Noble Defiance, Xeno Suzerain, Starformer" Heimdal -r sim 10000 win%: 59.73 (5973 / 10000) stall%: 17.21 (1721 / 10000) loss%: 23.06 (2306 / 10000)
tu_optimize "Cyrus, Test Inhibit" "Cyrus, Rally Infantry" +v debug ... TURN 6 begins for Commander [Cyrus hp:13] Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6 cd:1, inhibited 3] reduces its timer Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:13] skill Heal imperial 2 Possible targets of Heal: \+ Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 3] Commander [Cyrus hp:13] Heal (2) on Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 3] but it is inhibited Evaluating Commander [Cyrus hp:13] skill Siege 1 Evaluating Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 2] skill Rally 1 Possible targets of Rally: \+ Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 2] Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 2] Rally (1) on Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 2] but it is inhibited Assault 0 [Rally Infantry att:2 hp:6, inhibited 1] attacks Assault 0 [Test Inhibit att:1 hp:10] for 2 damage Assault 0 [Test Inhibit att:1 hp:10] takes 2 damage TURN 6 ends for Commander [Cyrus hp:13] ...
tu_optimize.exe "Alaric, Revolver(3)" "Halcyon, Barrage Tank(3)" sim 100000 Your Deck: [REH3+j] Alaric, Revolver, Revolver, Revolver Enemy's Deck: [QEFj+j] Halcyon, Barrage Tank, Barrage Tank, Barrage Tank win%: 99.572 (99572 / 100000) stall%: 0 (0 / 100000) loss%: 0.428 (428 / 100000)
tu_optimize.exe "Alaric, Omega(2)" "Halcyon, Barrage Tank(3)" -o=exclude/ownedcards_omega.txt climb 1000 Your Deck: [REBA+i] Alaric, Omega, Omega Enemy's Deck: [QEFj+j] Halcyon, Barrage Tank, Barrage Tank, Barrage Tank 0 (0 / 1000) 0: Alaric, Omega #2 Deck improved: REBA+j -void- -> [64] Omega: 99.6 (996 / 1000) 99.6: Alaric, Omega #3 Deck improved: REBA+k -void- -> [64] Omega: 100 (1000 / 1000) 100: Alaric, Omega #4 Evaluated 4 decks (4000 + 2000 simulations). Optimized Deck: 100: Alaric, Omega #4
tu_optimize.exe "Nex, Tikal(3)" "Halcyon, Barrage Tank(3)" +v sim 1 Your Deck: Deck: S0PS+j Nexor hp:52 legendary xeno, Enhance Leech 2, Protect xeno 2, Enfeeble all 1 Tikal 2/15/2 legendary progenitor, armored 3, leech 4, Rally 3 Tikal 2/15/2 legendary progenitor, armored 3, leech 4, Rally 3 Tikal 2/15/2 legendary progenitor, armored 3, leech 4, Rally 3 Enemy's Deck: Deck: QEFj+j Halcyon hp:47 legendary imperial, Enhance Armored all 1, Heal all imperial 2, Strike 2 Barrage Tank 3/7/3 imperial, armored 1, Strike 2 Barrage Tank 3/7/3 imperial, armored 1, Strike 2 Barrage Tank 3/7/3 imperial, armored 1, Strike 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TURN 1 begins for Commander [Nexor hp:52] Commander [Nexor hp:52] plays Assault 0 [Tikal 2/15/2 legendary progenitor, armored 3, leech 4, Rally 3] Commander [Nexor hp:52] Protect (2) on Assault 0 [Tikal att:2 hp:15 cd:2] TURN 1 ends for Commander [Nexor hp:52] ...
tu_optimize.exe "Nex, Tazerecca(4)" "Halcyon, Tikalan(3)" sim 100000 Your Deck: [S0-LB+k] Nexor, Tazerecca, Tazerecca, Tazerecca, Tazerecca Enemy's Deck: [QEPY+j] Halcyon, Tikalan, Tikalan, Tikalan win%: 67.752 (67752 / 100000) stall%: 0.213 (213 / 100000) loss%: 32.035 (32035 / 100000)
tu_optimize.exe "Nex, Apex(10)" "Obama, SF(5)" sim 100000 Recognize abbreviation Nex: Nexor-6 Recognize abbreviation Apex: Apex-6 Recognize abbreviation Obama: Barracus-6 Recognize abbreviation SF: Starformer-6 Your Deck: Deck: S0CC+q Enemy's Deck: Deck: SoO6+l win%: 24.193 (24193 / 100000) stall%: 0.745 (745 / 100000) loss%: 75.062 (75062 / 100000)
tu_optimize.exe "Obama, Rabid Corruptor(10)" "Yurich,Dread Panzer-1(3)" sim 100000 Your Deck: [SoFt+q] Barracus, Rabid Corruptor, Rabid Corruptor, Rabid Corruptor, Rabid Corruptor, ... Enemy's Deck: [QiAm+j] Yurich, Dread Panzer-1, Dread Panzer-1, Dread Panzer-1 win%: 2.168 (2168 / 100000) stall%: 97.832 (97832 / 100000) loss%: 0 (0 / 100000)
tu_optimize.exe "Pet,HA(10)" "Obama, SF(5)" sim 100000 Recognize abbreviation Pet: Petrisis-6 Recognize abbreviation HA: Havoc Alpha-6 Recognize abbreviation Obama: Barracus-6 Recognize abbreviation SF: Starformer-6 Your Deck: Deck: SuLQ+q Enemy's Deck: Deck: SoO6+l win%: 21.368 (21368 / 100000) stall%: 21.348 (21348 / 100000) loss%: 57.284 (57284 / 100000)
tyrant_optimize.exe "Barracus-6, Starformer-6" "Constantine-6, Pylon-3(6)" sim 100000 Your Deck: Deck: SoO6 Enemy's Deck: Deck: S6CI+m win%: 43.463 (43463 / 100000) stall%: 43.914 (43914 / 100000) loss%: 12.623 (12623 / 100000) tyrant_optimize.exe "Barracus-6,Rabid Corruptor-3(3)" "Cyrus-1,Havoc-5(3)" sim 1000000 Your Deck: Deck: SoFt+j Enemy's Deck: Deck: PoA5+j win%: 72.9008 (729008 / 1000000) stall%: 27.0992 (270992 / 1000000) loss%: 0 (0 / 1000000)
tyrant_optimize.exe "Cyrus-1, Starformer-6" "Constantine-6, Pylon-3(2)" sim 100000 Your Deck: Deck: PoO6 Enemy's Deck: Deck: S6CI+i win%: 68.75 (68750 / 100000) stall%: 31.25 (31250 / 100000) loss%: 0 (0 / 100000)
tyrant_optimize.exe "Cyrus-1, Starformer-6" "Constantine-6, Pylon-3(2)" debug
tyrant_optimize.exe "Barracus-6, Starformer-6, Tartarus Brood-6" "94. Heart of Tartarus" debug