zachfeldman / dokku-cf-tunnel-update

Expose Dokku apps on a home server via Cloudflare tunnels by keeping their service IPs updated on app deployments and restarts.
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Expose Dokku apps on a home server via Cloudflare tunnels by keeping their service IPs updated on app deployments and restarts.

WARNING: This plugin will erase any existing config you have of a tunnel, so be careful the first time you use it especially!

Getting Started

Ensuring IPs are correct on system restart

You'll need to install the systemd service in this repository by copying the dokku-ps-restart-cf-tunnel-update.service file to /etc/systemd/system .

Then you'll have to set your credentials by running sudo systemctl edit dokku-ps-restart-cf-tunnel-update.service, which will bring up a screen similar to this where you can bring up your credentials:

### Editing /etc/systemd/system/dokku-ps-restart-cf-tunnel-update.service.d/override.conf
### Anything between here and the comment below will become the new contents of the file


### Lines below this comment will be discarded

### /etc/systemd/system/dokku-ps-restart-cf-tunnel-update.service
# [Unit]
# Description=Dokku app ps restart to ensure Cloudflare IPs are accurate
# Requires=dokku-redeploy.service
# After=dokku-redeploy.service
# [Service]
# Type=oneshot
# User=dokku
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/dokku ps:restart --all
# [Install]
# WantedBy=docker.service

Reload the systemctl-daemon settings using: sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Then try running the service with: sudo systemctl start dokku-ps-restart-cf-tunnel-update

Then ensure it runs on start up with: sudo systemctl enable dokku-ps-restart-cf-tunnel-update.service

Specifying other tunnels besides Dokku apps

If you have other tunnels you want to persist between deploys, you can put a .cf-tunnel-config file at /home/dokku with them. There's a .cf-tunnel-config-sample in the repo you can refer to, but this basically gets injected into the request to the Cloudflare API when setting up your tunnel as an additional tunnel in the list.

Caveats, Future Roadmap

This is a working plugin, but it has a few caveats and things not developed yet: