zacoppotamus / ElgarsCodingOrchestra

2nd Year Software Engineering Project
3 stars 0 forks source link

Elgar's Coding Orchestra

Our totally unnamed project is still pretty sparse. We currently have a server set up at, and all members of our group have an account on that server with sudo access. Your default password will be 'password' which you can change by running the passwd command.

Project Page

We currently have a public facing website located at:


You can find detailed documentation about how to use the API on Mashape. The API is free to use while it's still in active pre-release development. Mashape have many wrappers for different languages which can be used to make calls to the API using an authorization key, so they'll help you get started.

We are currently in the process of developing more complex and native wrapper classes for different languages, to interface with the API directly and take care of all the error handling for you. Please check back here for more info in the near future.

Developing With Vagrant

In order to develop with Vagrant, you need to do the following:

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.

  2. Clone this repository somewhere on your machine.

    git clone
  3. Navigate into the cloned directory and start Vagrant. This may take a while to run, so you can move to the next steps while it's downloading all of the necessary files.

    cd elgarscodingorchestra && vagrant up
  4. Add the following records to your /etc/hosts or %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file:
  5. Once step 3 has completed provisioning, navigate your browser to and you'll be able to access the project website.

  6. To get access to the dev machine, use the following command from anywhere in the directory. This will create an SSH tunnel into the virtual machine, where /vagrant is a syncronised folder to the git directory.

    vagrant ssh

Unit Tests + Test Cases

There are two different types of test cases that can be run - unit tests and procedural tests. To run all of the unit tests for the API, navigate to /api/tests and execute:

$ php run.php suite


OK (1 tests, 0 assertions)
0.00 seconds


If you wish to run a single unit test, or more than one then execute:

$ php run.php Rainhawk\Data


OK (34 tests, 0 assertions)
0.00 seconds

If you wish to test the different wrappers then you can navigate to /wrappers/{lang}/tests.x. To run the PHP tests, execute php tests.php and to run the Javascript tests open the tests.html file in your web browser.