zaghaghi / openapi-tui

Terminal UI to list, browse and run APIs defined with openapi spec.
MIT License
674 stars 15 forks source link
openapi3 openapi31 ratatui-rs rust-lang tui




Terminal UI to list, browse and run APIs defined with OpenAPI v3.0 and v3.1 spec.


❯ openapi-tui --help
This TUI allows you to list and browse APIs described by the openapi specification.

Usage: openapi-tui --input <PATH>

  -i, --input <PATH>  Input file or url, in json or yaml format with openapi specification
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version


# open local yaml file
❯ openapi-tui -i examples/stripe/spec.yml

# open local json file
❯ openapi-tui -i examples/petstore.json

# open remote file
❯ openapi-tui -i



Other Feature Animations

Show more ## Nested Components ![nested-refrences](static/nested-refs.gif) ## Fullscreen ![fullscreen](static/fullscreen.gif) ## Webhooks ![webhooks](static/webhooks.gif) ## Filter ![filter](static/filter.gif) ## Call Endpoints ![call](static/call.gif) ## Multiple Server Support ![call](static/switch-server.gif)


Install from source:

❯ cargo install openapi-tui

Or download pre-built artifact from release page.


Just run the application with docker.

# open local file
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v$(pwd)/examples:/opt zaghaghi/openapi-tui -i /opt/petstore.json

# open remote file
❯ docker run --rm -it zaghaghi/openapi-tui -i

Distro Packages

Packaging status [![Packaging status](](

Arch Linux

You can install using pacman as follows:

❯ pacman -S openapi-tui


You can install the openapi-tui package directly with the following command:

nix profile install github:zaghaghi/openapi-tui

You can also install openapi-tui by adding it to your configuration.nix file.

# flake.nix

  inputs.openapi-tui.url = "github:zaghaghi/openapi-tui";
  # ...

  outputs = {nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: {
    nixosConfigurations.<your-hostname> = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      specialArgs = { inherit inputs; }; # this is the important part
      modules = [

Then, add openapi-tui to your configuration.nix

# configuration.nix

{inputs, pkgs, ...}: {
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [


Key Action
, l Move to next pane
, h Move to previous pane
, j Move down in lists
, k Move up in lists
1...9 Move between tabs
] Move to next tab
[ Move to previous tab
f Toggle fullscreen pane
g Go in nested items in lists
q Quit
/ Filter apis
: Run commands
Backspace, b Get out of nested items in lists

Commands Main Page

Command Description
q Quit
request, r Go to request page
history Request history

Commands Request Page

Command Description
q Quit
send, s Send request
query, q Add or remove query strings. sub-commands are add or rm. e.g. query add page
header, h Add or remove headers. sub-commands are add or rm. e.g. header add x-api-key
request, r Load request payload. e.g. request open /home/hamed/payload.json
response, s Save response payload e.g/ response save /home/hamed/result.json

Environment Variables

Variable Description
OPENAPI_TUI_DEFAULT_SERVER Add a custom server url to the list of servers

Implemented Features
