zakelfassi / Bootflat-Rails

Bootflat on Rails
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Glyphicons would not load #16

Closed andreykul closed 9 years ago

andreykul commented 10 years ago

I have installed the gem as instructed in the documentation but when I ran my application the glyphicons assets would not load.

I ended up solving the issue by including the gem 'bootstrap-sass' in my application. Then adding the following to app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss:

@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootflat";

For reference I'm using Rails 4.0.2 Correct Gemfile:

# Use Bootstrap to display Glyphicons correctly
gem 'bootstrap-sass'

# Use SCSS for stylesheets
gem 'sass-rails', github: 'zakelfassi/sass-rails'

# Use BootFlat for Front-end Flat UI based on Bootstrap
gem 'bootflat-rails', github: 'zakelfassi/Bootflat-Rails'
passalini commented 9 years ago


zakelfassi commented 9 years ago

@andreykul @passalini Adding the bootstrap gem will just serve as a quickhack (it adds all the extra bootstrap unused CSS.) I'm still trying to figure out a way to properly integrate the glyphicons with sprocket. Any idea is welcome!

andreykul commented 9 years ago

Try adding @import "bootstrap-sprockets"; to vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootflat.scss right before @import "bootstrap";

EDIT: I went to the installed gem folder and did exactly what I wrote above. It loaded all the files now.

zakelfassi commented 9 years ago

It should be fixed now in 0.1.11 - thanks @andreykul for the pull request.