zakelfassi / Bootflat-Rails

Bootflat on Rails
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Bootflat on Rails

Porting Bootflat on Rails.


You can check the demo app here

How to use?

In your Gemfile, include

gem 'bootflat-rails'

Also, make sure you're using this branch of sass-rails (as that bootflat could only be compiled using Sass 3.3+);

gem 'sass-rails', :git => '' # Until the gem is officially updated.

In your Application.css:

*= require bootflat
*= require_self

And finally, in your Application.js:

//= require bootstrap
//= require icheck.min

An example of using iCheck for radio/checkbox would be:

$('.checkbox input').iCheck({
    checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat',
    increaseArea: '20%'

$('.radio input').iCheck({
    radioClass: 'iradio_flat',
    increaseArea: '20%'

You can also add following line to your Application.js if you want to apply icheck on all checkboxes and radio buttons:

//= require bootflat_icheck

That's pretty much all!


You may need (Rails 4.1+) to add the following line to an asset initializer (/initializers/asset.rb)

Rails.application.config.assets.precompile << /\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif)\z/


  1. Write tests (sure.)
  2. Include bootflat_form_for and bootflat_form_tag helpers or use existing gem (ex. rails-bootstrap-forms)