zakkarry / retraktarr

retraktarr is a "reverse" list implementation for Radarr/Sonarr that creates Trakt lists for your movies/series
MIT License
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movies radarr radarr-api sonarr sonarr-api trakt trakt-api trakt-tv tv-series tv-shows
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retraktarr is a "reverse" list implementation for Radarr/Sonarr that creates lists for your movies/series using APIs.


retraktarr is a Python script to sync your Radarr/Sonarr library to a list using the respective APIs.

The original idea stemmed from my wanting to have a list of monitored movies I could share with friends. This was to be the equivalent of a mdblist, but cherry-picked. Providing a more curated list of what I believed was worth considering to watch for downloading.


The goal was to add the list to Radarr, set up a filter for the list with Exists in Library and On Exclusion List = false, and allow friends to easily keep up to date with my recommended movies through the Discover tab.

This use case was admittedly very narrow, and a few more use cases have emerged since.


Arr Support

retraktarr supports both Radarr and Sonarr in sourcing the media to sync to your lists. You can specify either or both for syncing, as well as filter what should be added with CLI arguments.

retraktarr will need API access to whichever Arr(s) you intend to use. API App Setup

A account with an API set up is obviously necessary.

  1. Head to API App Setup Page
  2. Create a new application, you will only need to fill Name and RedirectURI
    • I suggest using for your redirect URI. We will need to steal a parameter from the redirect to complete the OAuth2 process.
  3. After creating the application, click on it and you will see your Client ID, Client Secret, and an Authorize button.
  4. Click Authorize. Click Yes. You will be redirected to Google (or your URI) and in the URL bar you will see ?code= followed by 64 alphanumeric characters. Save this for now. This is your OAuth2 Authorization code.
  5. You can now complete the OAuth2 process when you're ready using the retraktarr.

Installing retraktarr

You can either download the source yourself or install the package from PyPI using the pip3 install retraktarr command.

Configuring retraktarr

retraktarr uses a config file, named retraktarr.conf (by default) to get many of its settings. However, some of these can be overridden with an argument you pass. You can run retraktarr at any time to see the available options.

To generate the config template, simply run retraktarr without a .conf file present. It will tell you exactly where the default config file was generated and it's location.

Open in your favorite text editor and complete the necessary details for your usage.

If you've never run retraktarr before, you will need to leave your oauth2_token and oauth2_refresh options blank and use the --oauth argument to complete the authorization process and automatically save your tokens. They will be automatically refreshed if a valid refresh token is available upon expiration.

Usage (CLI)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --oauth OAUTH, -o OAUTH
                        Update OAuth2 Bearer Token. Accepts the auth code and requires valid Trakt config settings
                        (ex: -o CODE_HERE)
  --radarr, -r          Synchronize Radarr movies with
  --sonarr, -s          Synchronize Sonarr series with
  --all, -all, -a       Synchronize both Starr apps with
  --mon, -m             Synchronize only monitored content with
  --missing             Synchronize only missing Radarr content with
                        The quality profile you wish to sync to
  --tag TAG, -t TAG     The arr tag you wish to sync to
  --cat, -c             Add to the list without deletion (concatenate/append to list)
  --list LIST, -l LIST  Specifies the list name. (overrides config file settings)
  --wipe, -w            Erases the associated list and performs a sync (requires -all or -r/s)
  --privacy PRIVACY, -p PRIVACY
                        Specifies the list privacy settings (private/friends/public - overrides config file
  --genre GENRE, -g GENRE
                        Specifies the genre(s) of content to add to your list (OR logic)
  --refresh             Forces a refresh_token exchange (oauth) and sets the config to a new tokens.
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Specifies the timeout in seconds to use for POST commands to
  --version             Displays version information
  --config CONFIG       If a path is provided, retraktarr will use this config file, otherwise it outputs default config location.
