zaknye / xcel_itron2mqtt

Broadcast your Xcel smart meter to MQTT
Apache License 2.0
60 stars 18 forks source link

Connect Your Smart Meter to MQTT!

Recently Xcel energy rolled out smart meter installations to facilitate TOU(Time of Use) pricing. This also benefits us, the users, as it provides us with a free way to see how much energy we're using at any time. This repo will help you get up and running with a python program that will query your meter on your network and convert its readings to MQTT messages.

Homeassistant Screenshot


Enroll in Xcel enery launchpad, here, and get your meter joined to your network.\ Generate an SSL key to use to provide a handshake to your meter. Add this to your Xcel launchpad by clicking "Add a Device" and paste in in the LFDI generated by the script below. Nickname, Manufacturer of Device, and Device Type can be whatever you want.


This script will generate new keys and print out the LFDI string to use for registering with Xcel. If you're already generated keys and you need to retrieve the LFDI string again run:

./scripts/ -p

These keys will be saved in the local directory certs/.cert.pem and certs/.key.pem


Pull from remote (easy)

docker pull

or (harder)\ Build the container locally.


Then run the container using the required options below.


The following are options that may be passed into the container in the form of environment variables or required volumes. Option Expected Arg Optional
-v :/opt/xcel_itron2mqtt/certs Folder path to the certs generated with the generate keys script NO
-e MQTT_SERVER IP address of the MQTT server to communicate with NO
-e MQTT_PORT Port # of the MQTT server to communicate with, Default: 1883 yes
-e MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX Prefix of MQTT topic set in Home Assistant, Default: homeassistant/ yes
-e METER_IP IP address of the itron meter. Useful for those that run iot devices on other vlans yes
-e METER_PORT Port number of the meter, must be set if METER_IP is set. Default: 8081 yes
-e MQTT_USER Username to authenticate to the MQTT server yes
-e MQTT_PASSWORD Password to authenticate to the MQTT server yes
-e CERT_PATH Path to cert file (within the container) if different than the default yes
-e KEY_PATH Path to key file (within the container) if different than the default yes
-e LOGLEVEL Set the log level for logging output (default is INFO) yes

Compose (best way)

Docker compose is the easiest way to integrate this repo in with your other services. Below is an example of how to use compose to integrate with a mosquitto MQTT broker container.


  image: eclipse-mosquitto
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ~/xcel_itron2mqtt/certs:/opt/xcel_itron2mqtt/certs
    network_mode: host
      - mosquitto
      - MQTT_SERVER=mosquitto

See the docker-compose.yaml file for a working example



docker run --rm -d \
    --net host \
    -v <path_to_cert_folder>:/opt/xcel_itron2mqtt/certs \

The easiest way currently to pass through mDNS to the container is to use host networking.

Maybe in the future use

Development Example

For running as a developer, the following is helpful to allow you to work in the container

docker run --rm -it \
--net host \
-v `pwd`:/opt/xcel_itron2mqtt \
--entrypoint /bin/sh \

Alternatively, the docker-compose.yaml will allow you to bring a up an ephemeral MQTT broker along with the xcel_itron2mqtt container. Simply copy .env.sample to .env, update variables there as needed, and run docker compose up. You can then use docker exec -it xcel_itron2mqtt /bin/bash to attach to the running container.


Please feel free to create an issue with a feature request, bug, or any other comments you have on the software found here.

To contribute code, create a new fork, then create a pull request once your new feature/fix is complete.


Zak Nye - -