zalari / time-shift

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Time Shift

Time Shift collects time entries from various sources and maps them into configured targets.


Ensure to have the right node version installed and active.

We highly recommend to use nvm, the version to be used can be found in the .nvmrc file.


Install dependencies with pnpm:

$ pnpm -r install

Build, Test, Run

Each package can be built, tested and run individually. Just add a filter to the command to only run it on a specific package: pnpm -r <command> --filter <package-name>.


$ pnpm --recursive build


$ pnpm --recursive test


$ pnpm --recursive --parallel dev

Structure and terminology

graph TD
  subgraph Configuration
    C -->|source| Q[Query]
    C -->|target| Q
    A[Adapter] -->|used by| C[Connection]

  A -->|filter fields| Q
  A -->|note mapping fields| Q
  A -->|strategy fields| Q
  A -->|strategy| P[Preflight]
  A ---> PR[Preflight result]
  A ---> R[Result]

  subgraph Synchonization
    Q --> E[Time entries]
    E -->|selection| P
    P -->|preview| PR
    PR -->|apply| R


Are provided at runtime by Time Shift. They can be used to access APIs or to convert data. They conveniently deliver and receive time entries in a common format.


Are used to connect to the adapters by providing necessary credentials. Multiple connections can use the same adapter.


Use connections to define inputs and filter fields. Each configuration requires to have a source connection to be defined which delivers the available filters.


Individual filters can be configured to narrow the set of time entries. Each configuration has its own filters based on the selected source connection adapter type.

Time entries

By selecting a configuration the resulting time entries can be loaded. This data set can be filtered and individual entries selected for further interactions.


Are configured by selecting a strategy provided by the target adapter. Once configured, the selected time entries can proceed a three stage process:


Time entries can be mapped to targets by using a strategy. The strategy defines how the mapping is done and is provided by the target adapter.


Before synchronizing time entries, a preflight check is performed to ensure that the time entries can be mapped to the target adapter. Thus, a preview of the actions to be made is provided and can be aligned before applying the changes.