zanza00 / random-theme-switcher

a Visual Studio Code extension that chooses a theme for you
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Random Theme Switcher

A simple extension that chooses and applies a random theme.


Mode Description
manual No automatic switch is performed
startup When active it will change theme whenever vscode is opened
daily When active it will change theme once a day
interval When active it will change theme every randomThemeSwitcher.switchInterval minutes
typing When active it will change theme every times a keyboard key is pressed

Don't forget to reload VSC for the changes to take effect

Change theme on command

Change the current Theme

Change theme when vscode starts

Extension Settings

PROTIP: For easy setup use the command Random Theme: Copy all installed themes in settings


"randomThemeSwitcher.themeList": [
        "Andromeda Italic",
        "Tomorrow Night Blue",
        "Ayu Dark",
        "One Monokai",
        "Night Owl"