A JUnit Rule for running an embedded LDAP server in your JUnit test based on the wonderful UnboundID LDAP SDK. Inspired by the Embedded Database JUnit Rule.
This library is distributed through the Sonatype OSS repo and should thus be widely available. Java 8 or higher is required. It has proven pretty useful for several users and should be considered safe for running tests for all kinds of LDAP integrating code.
See releases
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPInterface;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
public EmbeddedLdapRule embeddedLdapRule = EmbeddedLdapRuleBuilder
public void testLdapInteface() throws Exception {
// Test using the UnboundID LDAP SDK directly
final LdapInterface ldapConnection = embeddedLdapRule.ldapConnection();
final SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search(DOMAIN_DSN, SearchScope.SUB, "(objectClass=person)");
assertEquals(1, searchResult.getEntryCount());
public void testUnsharedLdapConnection() throws Exception {
// Test using the UnboundID LDAP SDK directly by using the UnboundID LDAPConnection type
final LDAPConnection ldapConnection = embeddedLdapRule.unsharedLdapConnection();
final SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search(DOMAIN_DSN, SearchScope.SUB, "(objectClass=person)");
assertEquals(1, searchResult.getEntryCount());
public void testDirContext() throws Exception {
// Test using the good ol' JDNI-LDAP integration
final DirContext dirContext = embeddedLdapRule.dirContext();
final SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
final NamingEnumeration<javax.naming.directory.SearchResult> resultNamingEnumeration =
dirContext.search(DOMAIN_DSN, "(objectClass=person)", searchControls);
assertEquals(1, Iterators.size(Iterators.forEnumeration(resultNamingEnumeration)));
public void testContext() throws Exception {
// Another test using the good ol' JDNI-LDAP integration, this time with the Context interface
final Context context = embeddedLdapRule.context();
final Object user = context.lookup("cn=John Doe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com");