zapstore / releastr

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releastr app release indexer.

At the moment running in a cronjob, automating checks for new releases of selected apps (see apps.yaml). Soon it will support many more options including other signing methods, so that developers can run this in their own machines.

These are the events it's producing: (kinds 1063, 30063, 32267)

Update or add new apps

Feel free to submit PRs.


bun index.js

Must have at least one app listed in apps.yaml.

Must pass (.env file also works) SK (nostr private key with which to sign) and BLOSSOM_DIR.

Optional: OVERWRITE will update regardess if there's an existing release already indexed, and GITHUB_TOKEN.

Must have apksigner, apktool, xq, pandoc in path (symlink to /usr/bin if necessary).
