zarfld / AVB-Windows

A repository for enabling AVB functionality on Windows 10 using Intel i210
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AVB Functionality on Windows 10 using Intel i210

This document provides detailed instructions on how to set up and use the AVB (Audio Video Bridging) functionality on Windows 10 using an Intel i210 NIC.


gPTP (Generalized Precision Time Protocol)

gPTP ensures time synchronization between AVB devices. The gPTP daemon has been ported from the OpenAvnu repository to Windows and refactored for compatibility with Windows timing APIs and network interfaces.

AVTP (Audio Video Transport Protocol)

AVTP handles streaming of audio and video data over AVB networks. It has been integrated into the Windows networking stack, and a user-space or kernel-space driver has been developed to capture and process AVB-specific Ethernet frames.

AVDECC (AV Device Enumeration, Discovery, Connection Management)

AVDECC manages and controls devices on the AVB network. An AVDECC controller has been developed for Windows, enabling enumeration and management of AVB streams.

Installation and Configuration

Custom Driver for Intel i210 NIC

A custom driver has been developed to support AVB-specific features such as gPTP clock synchronization and real-time streaming capabilities. Follow these steps to install and configure the driver:

  1. Download the custom driver package from the repository.
  2. Extract the package to a desired location.
  3. Open Device Manager and locate the Intel i210 NIC.
  4. Right-click on the device and select "Update driver".
  5. Choose "Browse my computer for drivers" and navigate to the extracted driver package.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  7. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

For detailed AVB-specific documentation, please refer to the Intel i210 AVB Documentation.

GUI-based Tool for AVB Configuration and Monitoring

A GUI-based tool has been developed to configure and monitor AVB streams, devices, and time synchronization. Follow these steps to use the tool:

  1. Download the AVBTool package from the repository.
  2. Extract the package to a desired location.
  3. Run the AVBTool.exe executable.
  4. Use the user-friendly interface to manage your AVB network, configure streams, and monitor time synchronization.

AVTP and gPTP Stack Porting from OpenAvnu to Windows

The AVTP and gPTP stacks have been ported from the OpenAvnu project to Windows. This porting process involved adapting the code to work with Windows-specific APIs and network interfaces. The AVTP stack is responsible for handling the transport of audio and video data over AVB networks, while the gPTP stack ensures precise time synchronization between AVB devices.

Suggested Steps for Development

  1. Research Existing AVB Projects: Start by reviewing OpenAvnu for reference implementations of gPTP and AVTP on Linux.
  2. Port Core Components: Adapt gPTP and AVTP components to work on Windows. Focus on using Windows real-time network APIs and time synchronization features.
  3. Develop Driver Extensions: Work with Windows Driver Framework (WDF) to modify or extend the i210 driver to support AVB.
  4. Testing & Validation: Build test environments with AVB switches and endpoints to ensure compatibility and functionality with the newly developed stack.

This project bridges the current gap in Windows AVB support, enabling the use of Intel i210 NICs for professional audio/video streaming over an AVB network.

Availability of Custom Driver for AVB Features on Windows

A custom driver is now available to support AVB features on Windows, including gPTP synchronization, priority queuing, and traffic shaping. This driver integrates with the existing AVTP and gPTP implementations in AVTP/AVTP.cpp and gPTP/gPTP.cpp.

Installation Instructions for the Custom Driver

To install the custom driver, follow these steps:

  1. Download the custom driver package from the repository.
  2. Extract the package to a desired location.
  3. Open Device Manager and locate the Intel i210 NIC.
  4. Right-click on the device and select "Update driver".
  5. Choose "Browse my computer for drivers" and navigate to the extracted driver package.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  7. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

Integration of AVTP and gPTP Implementations with the Windows Driver for Intel i210

The current codebase includes AVTP and gPTP implementations in AVTP/AVTP.cpp and gPTP/gPTP.cpp, which are now integrated with the Windows driver for Intel i210. This integration ensures that AVTP frames are handled efficiently and gPTP synchronization is maintained accurately.

Using Intel's Resources for AVB Implementation

To assist with your project of implementing AVB (Audio Video Bridging) on Windows using the Intel i210 network adapter, several resources provided by Intel can be highly beneficial. The link you provided leads to Intel's developer tools and documentation, which include various tools, SDKs, and manuals that can aid in your development process. Here's a breakdown of the most relevant resources:

1. Intel® Ethernet Controller I210 Datasheet and Technical Documents

2. Intel® Network Adapter Driver Development Kit (DDK)

3. Intel® Ethernet Drivers and Software

4. Intel® Ethernet Controller I210 Software Developer Manual

5. Intel® System Studio

6. Intel® VTune™ Profiler

7. Intel® Network Builders University

8. Intel® Developer Zone Forums and Support

9. Intel® Software Development Tools Documentation

Setting Up GitHub Actions for CI

Benefits of Continuous Integration (CI)

GitHub Actions Workflow

To set up a CI pipeline using GitHub Actions, create a workflow file in the .github/workflows/ directory. Here is an example configuration for a Visual Studio C++ project:

name: CI

    branches: [ main, develop ]
    branches: [ main, develop ]

  actions: read
  contents: read
  issues: write


    runs-on: windows-latest

      url: ${{ steps.upload_build_logs.outputs.url }}

    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Setup Visual Studio
      uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2

    - name: Setup NuGet
      uses: NuGet/setup-nuget@v2

    - name: Restore NuGet packages
      run: nuget restore AVB_Windows.sln

    - name: Install Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
      run: choco install windowsdriverkit10 --source=

    - name: Set WDK environment variables
      run: |
        echo "WDK_IncludePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0" >> $GITHUB_ENV

    - name: Clean solution
      run: msbuild AVB_Windows.sln /t:Clean

    - name: Build solution
      run: msbuild AVB_Windows.sln /p:Configuration=Release > build.log 2>&1

    - name: Ensure log file exists
      run: |
        if [ ! -f build.log ]; then
          echo "No build output captured." > build.log

    - name: Run Unit Tests
      run: |
        vstest.console.exe Path\To\Your\TestProject.dll

    - name: Run PVS-Studio Analysis
      run: |
        # Install PVS-Studio
        choco install pvs-studio

        # Run analysis
        "C:\Program Files (x86)\PVS-Studio\PVS-Studio_Cmd.exe" \
          --target "AVB_Windows.sln" \
          --configuration "Release" \
          --output "PVS-Studio.log"

    - name: Check Code Formatting
      run: |
        choco install llvm

        clang-format -i -style=file **/*.cpp **/*.h

        git diff --exit-code

    - name: Download Intel Tools
      run: |
        curl -o Intel_Ethernet_Controller_I210_Datasheet.pdf
        curl -o
        curl -o Intel_System_Studio.exe
        curl -o Intel_VTune_Profiler.exe

    - name: Run Intel Tools
      run: |
        # Run Intel System Studio
        start /wait Intel_System_Studio.exe /S

        # Run Intel VTune Profiler
        start /wait Intel_VTune_Profiler.exe /S

    - name: Validate AVB Implementation
      run: |
        # Run validation scripts using Intel tools

    - name: Update SRS
      run: |
        # Update the SRS document with new requirements

    - name: Update Documentation
      run: |
        # Update the documentation with new requirements and considerations

    - name: Update README
      run: |
        # Update the README with new requirements and key insights

    - name: Run Error Detection
      run: |
        python scripts/

    - name: Save Errors and Metadata
      run: |
        python scripts/ > errors_and_metadata.json

    - name: Install PyGithub
      run: pip install PyGithub

    - name: Upload Build Logs
      if: failure()
      id: upload_build_logs
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: build-logs
        path: *.log
        retention-days: 7
        if-no-files-found: error

    - name: Check for Missing Logs
      run: |
        if [ ! -f build.log ] && [ ! -f install_dependencies.log ] && [ ! -f install_windows_sdk.log ] && [ ! -f install_windows_driver_kit.log ] && [ ! -f install_kmdf_build_tools.log ]; then
          echo "No logs found. Skipping error-checking step."

    - name: Run Issue Creation
      if: failure()
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        COMMIT_SHA: ${{ github.sha }}
        BUILD_LOGS_LINK: ${{ steps.upload_build_logs.outputs.url }}
      run: |
        python scripts/

    - name: Use Milestones for Releases
      run: |
        milestone_title="v1.0 release"
        milestone_description="Milestone for the v1.0 release"
        milestone=$(gh api -X POST /repos/${{ github.repository }}/milestones -f title="$milestone_title" -f due_on="$milestone_due_date" -f description="$milestone_description")
        echo "Milestone created: $milestone"

    - name: Trigger CI Pipeline for Issue Progress
      run: |
        issue_status="in progress"
        if [ "$issue_status" == "in progress" ]; then
          echo "Triggering CI pipeline for issue progress"
          # Add logic to trigger CI pipeline

    - name: CI Pipeline Alerts for Failed Builds
      run: |
        if [ -f build.log ]; then
          echo "Build failed. Sending alerts."
          # Add logic to send alerts via Slack, email, or GitHub notifications

    - name: Use Separate Labels for Environments
      run: |
        if [ "$environment" == "development" ]; then
          echo "Labeling as 'in development'"
          # Add logic to label issues as 'in development'
        elif [ "$environment" == "staging" ]; then
          echo "Labeling as 'in staging'"
          # Add logic to label issues as 'in staging'
        elif [ "$environment" == "production"; then
          echo "Labeling as 'in production'"

    - name: Enforce Branch Protection Rules
      run: |
        protection_rules=$(gh api -X GET /repos/${{ github.repository }}/branches/$branch/protection)
        if [ -z "$protection_rules" ]; then
          echo "Enforcing branch protection rules"
          # Add logic to enforce branch protection rules

    - name: Continuous Deployment Labels and Issue Auto-Close
      run: |
        if [ "$deployment_status" == "success"; then
          echo "Deployment successful. Auto-closing issues."
          # Add logic to auto-close issues

    - name: Enforce Issue Templates and CI Requirements
      run: |
        if [ -f .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/$issue_template ]; then
          echo "Enforcing issue templates"
          # Add logic to enforce issue templates

    - name: Integrate Monitoring and Feedback Tools
      run: |
        if [ "$monitoring_tool" == "Datadog"; then
          echo "Integrating Datadog for monitoring and feedback"
          # Add logic to integrate Datadog

For more details, refer to the ci.yml file in the repository.

Summary of Key Insights from References

Understanding IEEE 1722 - AVTP Explained

AVnu Alliance - Audio Video Transport Protocol (AVTP) Overview by Dave Olsen

AVnu Alliance - IEEE 1722 Media on AVB Networks by Rob Silfvast

ResearchGate: IEEE 1722 AVTP Figure

Critical Requirements and Challenges Identified

Critical Requirements


Installing the Windows SDK using Chocolatey

To install the Windows SDK using Chocolatey, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Run the following command to install the Windows SDK:
    choco install windows-sdk-10.1 --source=
    choco install windows-sdk-10 --source=

This command installs the Windows SDK version 10.1 and Windows SDK version 10 from the Chocolatey package repository.

Verifying the Windows SDK Installation

After installing the Windows SDK, it is important to verify that it is properly installed. You can add a step in your CI pipeline to check the installation:

This step ensures that the Windows SDK is installed correctly and is compatible with the WDK.

Installing the WindowsKernelModeDriver build tools using Chocolatey

To install the WindowsKernelModeDriver build tools using Chocolatey, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Run the following command to install the WindowsKernelModeDriver build tools:
    choco install kmdf

This command installs the WindowsKernelModeDriver build tools from the Chocolatey package repository.

Accessing and Interpreting Installation Logs

To access and interpret the installation logs generated during the CI pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Accessing Logs:

    • The logs from each installation step are uploaded as artifacts in the GitHub Actions workflow.
    • Navigate to the "Actions" tab in your GitHub repository.
    • Select the workflow run you are interested in.
    • Download the "build-logs" artifact, which contains all the log files.
  2. Interpreting Logs:

    • Each log file is named descriptively based on the installation step, e.g., install_dependencies.log, install_windows_sdk.log.
    • Open the log file corresponding to the installation step you want to review.
    • Look for any error messages or warnings in the log file to identify issues during the installation process.
    • Use the log file to troubleshoot and resolve any problems encountered during the installation steps.

Updating the CI Pipeline for KMDF Versions

To ensure compatibility with the appropriate Windows versions, update the CI pipeline to use KMDF 1.31 for Windows 10 and KMDF 1.33 for Windows 11. Follow these steps:

  1. Update the build-windows-7 Job:

    • Modify the build-windows-7 job in the .github/workflows/ci.yml file to target Windows 10 and Windows 11 instead of Windows 7.
    • Ensure that the WDK_IncludePath environment variable is set correctly for each Windows version.
  2. Modify the build-windows-10 Job:

    • Specify the correct KMDF version (KMDF 1.31) for Windows 10 in the .github/workflows/ci.yml file.
  3. Modify the build-windows-11 Job:

    • Specify the correct KMDF version (KMDF 1.33) for Windows 11 in the .github/workflows/ci.yml file.
  4. Verify KMDF Installation:

    • Update the scripts/ script to verify the installation of KMDF 1.31 for Windows 10 and KMDF 1.33 for Windows 11.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the CI pipeline is updated to use the correct KMDF versions for Windows 10 and Windows 11, ensuring compatibility and successful builds.

Setting Up GitHub Actions Permissions

To ensure that the CI pipeline runs jobs as expected, it is important to set up GitHub Actions permissions in the repository settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on the "Settings" tab.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on "Actions".
  4. Under "Actions permissions", ensure that "Allow all actions and reusable workflows" is selected.
  5. Under "Workflow permissions", select "Read and write permissions".
  6. Click "Save" to apply the changes.

By setting up the appropriate permissions, you ensure that the CI pipeline has the necessary access to run jobs and interact with the repository.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used in the CI pipeline:

Ensure that these environment variables are set correctly in the CI pipeline configuration.

Note about the Updated Step in the CI Pipeline

The step "Upload Install Windows Driver Kit Logs" in .github/workflows/ci.yml has been updated to include a uses key with actions/upload-artifact@v4. This ensures that the step meets the requirement of defining a uses or run key.

Inclusion of the uses Key in the "Upload Install Windows Driver Kit Logs" Step

The "Upload Install Windows Driver Kit Logs" step now includes a uses key with actions/upload-artifact@v4, along with a with section specifying name, path, retention-days, and if-no-files-found.

Detailed Steps for Installing Visual Studio 2022 with Required Components

To install Visual Studio 2022 with the required components for developing and building the AVB stack, follow these steps:

  1. Download Visual Studio 2022:

  2. Run the Installer:

    • Launch the Visual Studio Installer.
    • Select the "Desktop development with C++" workload.
  3. Select Individual Components:

    • In the "Individual components" tab, select the following components:
      • MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Spectre-mitigated libraries (Latest)
      • C++ ATL for latest v143 build tools with Spectre Mitigations (x86 & x64)
      • C++ MFC for latest v143 build tools with Spectre Mitigations (x86 & x64)
  4. Install Visual Studio:

    • Click "Install" to begin the installation process.
    • Wait for the installation to complete.
  5. Verify Installation:

    • Open Visual Studio 2022.
    • Create a new C++ project to ensure that the required components are installed correctly.

Instructions for Installing the Windows SDK 10.0.26100.1742

To install the Windows SDK version 10.0.26100.1742, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Windows SDK:

  2. Run the Installer:

    • Launch the Windows SDK installer.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  3. Verify Installation:

    • Open a command prompt and run the following command to verify the installation:
      dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.26100.1742"
    • Ensure that the directory exists and contains the necessary files.

Installation of WDK 10.0.26100.1882 and Its Visual Studio Extension

To install the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) version 10.0.26100.1882 and its Visual Studio extension, follow these steps:

  1. Download the WDK:

    • Visit the WDK download page.
    • Download the installer for WDK version 10.0.26100.1882.
  2. Run the Installer:

    • Launch the WDK installer.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  3. Verify Installation:

    • Open Visual Studio 2022.
    • Create a new driver project to ensure that the WDK Visual Studio extension is installed correctly.
  4. Set Environment Variables:

    • Ensure that the WDK_IncludePath environment variable is set correctly in your CI configuration.

By following these steps, you can ensure that Visual Studio 2022, the Windows SDK, and the WDK are installed correctly with the required components for developing and building the AVB stack.