zcczhang / UVD

Universal Visual Decomposer: Long-Horizon Manipulation Made Easy
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Universal Visual Decomposer:
Long-Horizon Manipulation Made Easy

[[Website]](https://zcczhang.github.io/UVD/) [[arXiv]](https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.08581) [[PDF]](https://zcczhang.github.io/UVD/assets/pdf/full_paper.pdf) [[Installation]](#Installation) [[Usage]](#Usage) [[BibTex]](#Citation) ______________________________________________________________________ https://github.com/zcczhang/UVD/assets/52727818/5555b99a-76eb-4d76-966f-787af763573a


git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/vip.git
cd vip && pip install -e .
python -c "from vip import load_vip; vip = load_vip()"


```commandline git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/r3m.git cd r3m && pip install -e . python -c "from r3m import load_r3m; r3m = load_r3m('resnet50')" ```


```commandline git clone https://github.com/penn-pal-lab/LIV.git cd LIV && pip install -e . && cd liv/models/clip && pip install -e . python -c "from liv import load_liv; liv = load_liv()" ```


```commandline git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/eai-vc.git cd eai-vc && pip install -e vc_models ```

DINOv2 and ResNet pretrained with ImageNet-1k are directly loaded via torch hub and torchvision.


We provide a simple API for decompose RGB videos:

import torch
import uvd

# (N sub-goals, *video frame shape)
subgoals = uvd.get_uvd_subgoals(
    "/PATH/TO/VIDEO.*",   # video filename or (L, *video frame shape) video numpy array
    preprocessor_name="vip",    # Literal["vip", "r3m", "liv", "clip", "vc1", "dinov2"]
    device="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu",  # device for loading frozen preprocessor
    return_indices=False,   # True if only want the list of subgoal timesteps

or run

python demo.py

to host a Gradio demo locally with different choices of visual representations.

Simulation Data

We post-processed the data released from original Relay-Policy-Learning that keeps the successful trajectories only and adapt the control and observations used in our paper by:

python datasets/data_gen.py raw_data_path=/PATH/TO/RAW_DATA

Also consider to force set Builder = LinuxCPUExtensionBuilder to Builder = LinuxGPUExtensionBuilder in PATH/TO/CONDA/envs/uvd/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mujoco_py/builder.py to enable (multi-)GPU acceleration.

Runtime Benchmark

Since UVD's goal is to be an off-the-shelf method applying to any existing policy learning frameworks and models, across BC and RL, we provide minimal scripts for benchmarking the runtime showing negligible runtime under ./scripts directory:

python scripts/benchmark_decomp.py /PATH/TO/VIDEO

and passing --preprocessor_name with other preprocessors (default vip) and --n for the number of repeated iterations (default 100).

For inference or rollouts, we benchmark the runtime by

python scripts/benchmark_inference.py

and passing --policy for using MLP or causal GPT policy; --preprocessor_name with other preprocessors (default vip); --use_uvd as boolean arg for whether using UVD or no decomposition (i.e. final goal conditioned); and --n for the number of repeated iterations (default 100). The default episode horizon is set to 300. We found that running in the terminal would be almost 2s slower every episode than directly running with python IDE (e.g. PyCharm, under the script directory and run as script instead of module), but the general trend that including UVD introduces negligible extra runtime still holds true.


If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Universal visual decomposer: Long-horizon manipulation made easy},
  author={Zhang, Zichen and Li, Yunshuang and Bastani, Osbert and Gupta, Abhishek and Jayaraman, Dinesh and Ma, Yecheng Jason and Weihs, Luca},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},