zcheng19 / CQF-based_TSN

The CQF-based TSN simulator and DRL scheduler
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CQF-based TSN Simulator

The CQF-based TSN simulator supports a general scheduling environment of the CQF or enhanced Multi-CQF model for Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN). Several packed schedulers can be used to do the test.

Install the necessary modules

Experimental Environment: Python version: 3.8.10. Ubuntu version: 20.04.1, 5.13.0-30-generic kernel.

Run "pip3 install -r requirements.txt" to install the necessary modules.

Run the test

Run "python3 main.py" under different folders to start solving the NP-hard scheduling problem by utilizing the corresponding schedulers.

Run "python3 play.py checkpoint" to test the performance of model.

The CQF-based TSN simulator can support multiple cyclic queues from 2 to K, where K is an integer.

Parameters description

Variables and functions

Variables in CQFsim.py

BANDWIDTH: the link bandwidth of TSN.

PRESRV: the preserved bandwidth for bursting flows.

SWITCH_NUM: the number of switches in the network.

MAX_T: the maximum time interval value of CQF.

MULTICQF: decide whether to choose the CQF model with mutiple queues.

QUEUE_NUM: the specific number of queues of the multi-CQF.

FRAME_SIZE: the size of each frame.

ALPHA: a coefficient for adjusting the weight of the load balance in calculating the reward.

self.graph: define a network graph.

path: a list to store all of the available paths from the source node to destination one with no loop.

stack: save each available path temporarily.

visited: store the visited nodes.

seen_path: store the searched paths.

self.flows: a list to store all of the defined flows.

self.period_lst: a list to store all of flow periods.

gcd_period: get the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the flow periods.

self.hyper: get the hyper period for all of the flows to schedule.

self.T_Q_array: the two-dimensional time-resource matrix for observation.

self.T: the time interval length.

self.capacity: the capacity of each time interval.

self.action_num: the number of actions that each flow can take.

T_RXQ_array: the shape of the time-resource matrix.

self.T_TXQ_dct: the mapping relationship between the time intervals and sending queues.

self.T_RXQ_dct: the mapping relationship between the time intervals and receiving queues.

valid_action_array: the encoded valid action array for each flow.

valid_num: the valid number of actions for each flow.

pad_valid_action_array: zero paddings for the valid action array.

self.state: the original state for observation.

wrapper_state: the processed state as the input information for DRL algorithm. The processing includes extending the dimension of state array, and zero paddings.

freq: count the frequency a flow can appear in a hyper period.

reward: the immediate reward the environment feeds back after the action is taken.

done: the training status reflected by the environment.

Functions in CQFsim.py

create_graph: build a TSN graph by using adjacent table.

find_all_paths: find all the paths from the source node to the destination with no loops.

get_flows: get all the customized flows.

get_gcd_periods: calculate the greatest common divisor of all the flow periods.

GCD: the algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor.

get_hyper_period: calculate the hyper period for flow scheduling.

division_method: the division algorithm used for getting the hyper period.

count_max_pathlen: compute the number of hops along the flow transmission path.

T_Q_mapping: build the time-resource matrix as the observation.

action_space: get the action space of DRL.

reset: the state resets at each episode.

step: run the MDP of training process of DRL.

first_channel_transition: the network resource state (i.e., the first channel of the observation) transition.

check_done: check the training status.

check_valid_action: check whether the action taken for each flow is valid.

Variables in main.py

BATCH_SIZE: the batch size for sampling the trajectories during the training process.

MIN_REPLAY_SIZE: the minimum threshold of trajectories amount for starting the training.

EPSILON_START: the start value of epsilon used to choose the action.

EPSILON_END: the end value of epsilon used to choose the action.

EPSILON_DECAY: the decay of the value of epsilon with the increasing of episodes.

EPISODES: the total number of episodes for training.

LR: the learning rate during training.

TARGET_UPDATE_FREQ: the update frequency of training.

myenv: the instance of CQF-based TSN system.

device: the device (i.e., CPU, GPU) used for training the DRL algorithm.

obs: the observations at each step.

flow_len: the total number of flows.

STEP: the total number of step within each episode.

replay_buffer: the instance of replay buffer.

episode_count: count how many flows are scheduled in each episode.

online_net: the instance of the evaluate neural network.

target_net: the instance of the target neural network.

optimizer: the optimizer of DRL algorithm.

reward_lst: a list to store the accumulated rewards for each episode.

ep_lst: a list to store each episode label.

ep_len: count how many episodes are continued until now.

step_count: count how many steps are passed until now.

epsilon: the epsilon parameter used for epsilon-greedy algorithm to choose the actions.

new_obs: the transited observation of the old one.

transition: the state transition after the actions are taken.

loss: the loss between evaluated result and taget one.

Functions in main.py

myenv.reset: reset the environment at each episode.

online_net.apply: apply the initialized parameters of neural network.

target_net.load_state_dict: load the parameters for target network.

torch.optim.Adam: use Adam optimizer to update the neural network parameters.

online_net.act: choose an action by the DRL agent according to the Q-values computed by the neural network.

myenv.step: take the actions, and the do the MDP.

replay_buffer.append: add the trajectories into replay buffer.

np.interp: use the linear interpolation method to update the epsilon.

random.sample: randomly sample the trajectories.

online_net.compute_loss: compute the loss between the evaluate and target values by using the loss function.

optimizer.zero_grad: clear the historial gradient.

loss.backward: back forward the gradient.

optimizer.step: update the network parameters based on the defined learning rate.

online_net.save: save the updated parameters of neural networks.

Variables in cus_flow.py

flow_features: a list for all the flows, where the features are defined.

period: the period of each flow.

latency: the latency requirement customized by users.

jitter: the latnecy variation of transmitting flows.

src: the source nodes of each flow.

dst: the destination nodes of each flow.

Functions in cus_flow.py

flow_template: build all the flows by using the flow template.

Variables in play.py

t1: the start time of the program.

t2: the end time of the program.

recorder: store the resource distribution of each time interval.

variance: reflect the performance of load balance of each time interval.

Functions in play.py

test_time: test the total time for running the program.

resource_distribution: compute the load balance of each time interval.

Variables in scheduler.py

GAMMA: this parameter is related to the long term interest.

BATCH_SIZE: the batch size of trajectories that are used for training.

input_channels: the number of channels for input.

num_channels: the extended number of channels processed by the convolutional neural network.

kernel_size: the size of kernel of convolutional neural network.

padding: zero padding of the observation.

stride: the stride that the kernel slides.

num_residuals: the number of residual blocks.

first_block: check whether it is the first residual block.

self.num_actions: the number of actions.

self.device: the device used for training process.

self.double: check whether it is using the Double DQN algorithm.

obses: the batch of current observations sampled from replay buffer.

actions: the batch of actions sampled from replay buffer.

rews: the batch of rewards sampled from replay buffer.

dones: the batch of training status sampled from replay buffer.

new_obses: the transited observations sampled from replay buffer.

obses_t: the tensor of the current observations converted from the numpy array.

actions_t: the tensor of the actions converted from the numpy array.

rews_t: the tensor of the reward converteds from the numpy array.

dones_t: the tensor of the training status converted from the numpy array.

new_obses_t: the tensor of the transited observations converted from the numpy array.

targets_online_q_values: the Q-values computed by the evaluated neural network used for the variables of target function.

targets_online_best_q_indices: the indices of maximum Q-value.

targets_target_q_values: the target Q-values computed by target neural network equipped with the input new_obses_t.

targets_selected_q_values: the target Q-values that are used for computing the loss.

targets: the target batch of rewards for computing the loss.

q_values: Q-values that are used to evaluate the value of each action.

action_q_values: the evaluated Q-values for computing the loss.

loss: loss is computed by using the smooth_l1_loss loss function.

params: the parameters of each neural network.

Functions in scheduler.py

init_weights: set the initial parameters of neural network.

nn.Linear: the instance of linear function.

Residual: define the residual neural network type.

nn.Conv2d: the instance of convolutional neural network.

forward: the forward propagation process.

resnet_block: define several residual blocks for the residual neural network.

res_net: the function for calculating a set of Q-values by ResNet.

act: choose the valid actions for each flow.

env.check_valid_action: check whether the actions taken for each flow is valid.

compute_loss: compute the loss for updating the neural network parameters.

save: save the neural network model.

load: load the neural network model.

Deepdive for user operations

More user customized environment and schedulers are supported. Particularly, in CQFsim.py, the TSN graph is supported to be feasibly changed by defining the adjacent related nodes table. For example, if we have the following linear topology:

The switch s1 is the neighbor of host h1, and it is also the neighbor of s2. h2 is the neighbor of s2. Then the table can be defined as:

self.graph = {"h1": ["s1", ], "s1": ["h1", "s2"], "s2": ["s1", "h2"], "h2": ["s2", ]}

After the network topology is defined, the properties of each flow should be introduced. Users can change the latency, jitter requirements, flow periods, frame sizes, source and destination nodes, etc., in the cus_flow.py and main.py. The time interval length defaultly is set to the greatest common divisor of all the flow periods, users can feasibly define its length by adjusting the parameters of function action_space() in CQFsim.py, where the max_T should be set to 'False', and T is the specific value the user defined. More customizable parameters in CQFsim.py include the network bandwidth 'BANDWIDTH', preserved bandwidth for the bursting flows 'PRESRV', switch number 'SWITCH_NUM', the number of queues for cyclically forwarding 'QUEUE_NUM'.

Any scheduling algorithms based on the CQF model can be feasibly designed by users according to our provided APIs in CQFsim.py, which are the functions of reset() and step(). To be more convenient, several basic templates of scheduling algorithms, including the DRL-based (i.e., DQN and DDQN) algorithm, tabu search based heuristic algorithm, and Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) are provided in the directories of DRL_scheduler, DRL_scheduler, DRL_scheduler, respectively. Users can further develop these algorithms to improve the quality of service (QoS) of the system.