Generate Bitcoin vanity address for Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet and Hierarchical Deterministic Multisig Wallet.
You can use CLI or Docker Image to run this program.
HD Wallet generated vanity address path is m/44'/0'/0'/0/0
Using Docker to run:
vanitygen-hd generate HDD BTC 999 666
# Docker
docker run -it --rm --network=none zealic/vanitygen-hd generate HDD BTC 999 666
You will got below vanity address with prefix HDD
- address: 1HDDGgRFrtY38ZVVTtkgbBS4aUwE2rwUhz
mnemonic: behave crack outer fine rude dwarf verb prosper because split loyal blue cream jar merge cupboard prize normal subway celery unfold alarm blue fetch
According to your CPU frequency and vanity address requirements, the time to generate mnemonic will gradually become longer. Generally, 3~4 length addresses are recommended.
If you want generate HDM Wallet, use --co-signers
and --co-members
Generated vanity address path is m/45'/<CO_SIGNER_INDEX>/0/0
Prepare co-signers public keys file co-signers.yml:
# Public key of co-signer-1, path is "m/45'/1"
- xpub68RRmuSKe9yhgCoVr7pLaRTPZrDwekTbvpMGC9iSukzFYSbQJZusJRiLr8zYfRiZRJV2wauwWo1jnBMDDGz5ZGhfvB5UKvAzHdvtF6qNHaW
# Public key of co-signer-2, path is "m/45'/2"
- xpub68uxBBwmt9cY6RY1BVHHUwH7dLC2G98QPHpABi71eaDZuGWxZHEB4UAFVgawcuTysnnq82CJP28uEzzCRSQQYZX6sAxKsSR9RqNauA3YVaH
Generate with HDM wallet
vanitygen-hd generate --co-signers=/co-signers.yml HDD BTC 999 666
# Docker
docker run -it --rm --network=none \
-v $PWD/co-signers.yml:/co-signers.yml \
zealic/vanitygen-hd \
generate --co-signers=/co-signers.yml HDD BTC 999 666
Got vanity address, that public key path is "m/45'/0":
- address: 3666kmVbsBF6K5Di8sUef1Qg9fp2wxFYxC
parentAddress: 1LFsUUBtEg2PS8HALDi48fSUcjVcF6Htpg
mnemonic: detail walnut stock this history ivory stamp leaf half marine inspire fitness erase apple flee bird length dizzy rubber open index print crystal boring
Usage: vanitygen-hd [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
generate [options] [rule-list]
-b, --bits <int> BIP32 specifies the entropy length to be tween 128 and 256 bits and a multiple of 32 bits. (default: 256)
-w, --workers <int> Numeber of parallel worker, use 0 as CPU num. (default: 0)
-s, --co-signers <yaml-file> Co-signers YAML file, include m/45'/{1~n} public key array.
-m, --co-members <int> Co-signers member num, use 0 as 'MAX(1,LEN(co_signers))'. (default: 0)
-t, --co-last-signer <bool> Generated vanity address is last signer, public key path is : m/45'/{n}. (default: false)
-f, --rules-file <rules-file> One rule per line, allowing '#' to be a comment. (default: "rules.txt")
-h, --help display help for command
help [command] display help for command
Because base58 address encoding with 0x05
heading, the second character of the P2SH address cannot be STUVWXYZ
and a-z
Bitcoin: 18mXNJyHdUSKfvQSrXCdQsuStp6eWFUVnh