zebraf1 / Kassa

Private inventory system
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Inventory system

Clone Repository

> git clone https://github.com/zebraf1/Kassa.git


Vendors are installed via composer. See https://getcomposer.org/download/ for updated installation guide.

Install vendors for project:

> php composer.phar install

Note: if you install composer to a runnable directory (ie --install-dir=/usr/bin) and set --filename=composer:

> composer install

At the end of the installation fill in parameters (saved to app/config/parameters.yml)

Install nodejs packages

> npm install -g bower polymer-cli

Create app.php from desired environment (dev, prod)

> cd web
> ln -s app_dev.php app.php


Build base model files

> php app/console propel:model:build

Install web assets

> php app/console assets:install --relative --symlink

Build database if needed (use --force if needed) or run sql manually from app/propel/sql

> php app/console propel:sql:insert

Run migrations

> php app/console propel:mig:mig

Build frontend

cd src/Rotalia/FrontendBundle/Resources/source/
bower prune
bower install
bower update
polymer build

Deploy new version: composer install, propel build, assets install, bower install, polymer build

> sh build.sh


Run unit and functional tests with PHPUnit

> bin/phpunit -c app/