zeebe-io / zeebe-performance-test

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Initial Setup

The cluster should have chaos mesh installed:

helm list -A -f chaos

If not, you can install it:

helm upgrade --install chaos-mesh \
    chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh --version 2.5.1 \
    --namespace=chaos-mesh --create-namespace \
    --set dashboard.securityMode=false \
    --set chaosDaemon.runtime=containerd \
    --set chaosDaemon.socketPath=/var/run/containerd/containerd.sock

Accessing chaos mesh:

kubectl -n chaos-mesh port-forward svc/chaos-dashboard 2333

Running experiments


Make sure that you have all dependencies installed:

and run the script:

BENCHMARK_NAME=os-perf-test CHAOS=network-latency-5 ./run.sh

Using GitHub Actions

Trigger the measure workflow with a benchmark name.

Adding experiments

Access the chaos mesh UI, use the experiment designer and save the yaml file in experiments/. Replace namespaces and the like with enviroment variables. These will be substituted before the experiment is deployed.