zeeguu / web

Frontend for the zeeguu web application.
3 stars 5 forks source link
language-learning reading


Copy .env.development.default to .env.development. Configure the right REACT_APP_API_URL in the .env.development and .env.production.

npm install
npm run start

Setting up the Development Environment

Make sure to install the following plugins for VSCode:

Coding Conventions and Goals

1. Strive to write programs "for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute" (Abelson && Sussman)

2. Naming conventions:

3. Separate styled components from React components in JSX

When importing styled components: import a full file as s then refer to the components as s.Component as in the following example. This makes it clear what's a styled component and what's a normal component

    import * as s from "./Exercises.sc";

4. Separate styling from the code (e.g. Exercises.js and Exercises.js.sc)

5. Avoid hardcoded string contstans

You're more prone to a mis-typing error that way. If you define a constant, you can benefit from auto-completion from your IDE.

6. General functions should be defined in general modules (e.g. utils)

E.g. If you end up definig a general random function, or a isUppercaseString(obj) function, etc. inside a component defintion, you're better moving them out of there. Two reasons:

  1. it's likely that you'll need to use them in other places than that component
  2. keeping things at the same abstraction level: the code in a component should worry about the main business of that component; not about defining generic functions.

7. Use onNotify / Notify pattern when handling Parent/Child updates in React

E.g. If a child can update an element which requires a re-render from the parent, the pattern should be:

export default function Parent({}) {
        // Handle the change from the child component




This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

The project expects /teacher-dashboard to be deployed at localhost:3000 - that's another zeeguu project