zeke / aimg

🧑‍🎨 A Node.js CLI for generating AI images with Replicate and saving them to disk.
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A Node.js CLI for generating AI images with Replicate and saving them to disk.




npm i -g aimg

Then grab a Replicate API token and set it in your environment:

export REPLICATE_API_TOKEN="r8_..."


All that is required is a prompt:

aimg "cute cat"

This will generate three images of a cute cat and save them to the current directory.

Long prompt

If your prompt is long, you can put it in a file:

aimg "$(cat prompt.md)"

Different model

The default model is Flux Schnell, but you can specify any model with the --model option.

aimg "cute cat" --model bytedance/sdxl-lightning-4step

This will work for any model on Replicate that takes a prompt as input and outputs a list of URLs.


The latest version of the model is used unless you specify a version in the format {owner}/{name}:{version}:

aimg "cute cat" --model zeke/ziki-flux:dadc276a9062240e68f110ca06521752f334777a94f031feb0ae78ae3edca58e

More images

If you want more images, use the --count option:

aimg "cute cat" --count 20

Extra flags as inputs to the model

Any extra flags you pass will be passed along to the model as input. For example, if the model takes an output_format input, you can pass it like this:

aimg "cute cat" --output_format jpg

Random prompts

If you want generate a different semi-random prompt for each image, specify a subject and it will use promptmaker to generate random prompts:

aimg --subject "a white cat"

If you specify a subject, then prompt is ignored.

Output directory

If you want to save the images to a specific directory, use the --outputdir option:

aimg "pink cat" --outputdir "pink-cat"

Kitchen sink

Hee's an example that loads a prompt from a file, generates 100 images with random "pink cat" prompts, and stuffs them in a specific directory:

aimg --subject "pink cat" --count 100 --outputdir "pink-cat"
