zelikos / zeliblue

A customized Fedora Atomic experience, built upon Universal Blue.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 0 forks source link


Zeliblue Desktop

Zeliblue is a customized Fedora Atomic Desktop image, based on the Universal Blue project, featuring the GNOME desktop as the flagship experience.

Notable changes from vanilla GNOME and Fedora Silverblue include:

There is also Zeliblue Plasma (zeliblue-kinoite), which uses the Plasma desktop environment instead of GNOME. It replaces multiple apps that are layered into the upstream image with Flatpak equivalents, as well as using fish as the default shell in Konsole.

A preview image for the alpha COSMIC desktop (zeliblue-cosmic) is also available. It is only recommended for those that want to experiment with the COSMIC desktop environment since COSMIC is still in an alpha state, and should not be used in production.

Zeliblue is made with BlueBuild.


For most users, I would recommend looking into either Bluefin or Bazzite, or, for tinkerers, I recommend making your own. Both of the former two projects have many more contributors and a much larger community for support, whereas Zeliblue is run by one lone maintainer.


Pre-built ISOs will be made available in the near future.

For those that want to try Zeliblue in the meantime, you can also build an ISO yourself using podman.

mkdir ./iso-output

sudo podman run --rm --privileged --volume ./iso-output:/build-container-installer/build --security-opt label=disable --pull=newer \
ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest \
IMAGE_REPO=ghcr.io/zelikos \
IMAGE_NAME=zeliblue \
IMAGE_TAG=latest \
VARIANT=Silverblue # If building zeliblue-kinoite, change this to Kinoite

The above can also be run with docker instead. See BlueBuild's ISO documentation for more info.


You can also rebase an existing Silverblue/Kinoite installation to the latest build:

If you instead want Zeliblue Plasma, replace zeliblue with zeliblue-kinoite, and, in the ISO action, Silverblue with Kinoite.

just commands

On first boot of any Zeliblue flavor, a justfile is created in the user's home directory at $HOME/.justfile. The justfile gives access to Zeliblue's just commands; users can also add their own custom commands.

Commands provided by Zeliblue are documented below.

For more about just, see the manual.


Installs a selection of brew packages as a "starter pack" for using Homebrew, focused on providing a more modern CLI experience:


The fish shell is configured by Zeliblue to utilize these packages if any are installed.


Sets up a davincibox container with toolbox. Optionally takes "refresh" as a parameter to rebuild the container with the latest version of davincibox.


Uses the setup-davincibox command, then installs DaVinci Resolve into davincibox, which also adds launchers to the app grid/menu for ease of use. DaVinci Resolve must be downloaded from their website, and the installer passed to the command as a parameter.

Example: just install-davinci /full/path/to/DaVinci_Resolve_18.5.1_Linux.run


Removes DaVinci Resolve app launchers and davincibox container.


Enable or disable an auto-updating zeliblue distrobox intended as an alternative CLI experience, based on Fedora Toolbox. The zeliblue-cli image is derived from Universal Blue's fedora-toolbox.


Zeliblue is created with the goal of providing an opiniated experience that emphasizes ease of use for non tech savvy users (i.e. "average" users), while also providing extra options for those with more computer experience. Those extra options are to be provided in a way that doesn't distract the average user, primarily via just commands.

In other words, Zeliblue is made to meet my needs while also being something I would comfortably recommend to friends and family.


These images are signed with sisgstore's cosign. You can verify the signature by downloading the cosign.pub key from this repo and running the following command:

cosign verify --key cosign.pub ghcr.io/zelikos/zeliblue