zeliu98 / CloserLook3D

A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis(ECCV 2020)
MIT License
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A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis

By Ze Liu, Han Hu, Yue Cao, Zheng Zhang, Xin Tong



This repo is the official implementation of "A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis", which provides clean and the best (to-date) implementations for several representative operators including, Point MLP based (PointNet++-Like), Pseudo Grid based (KPConv-Like) and Adapt Weights (ContinuousConv-Like). It also includes a new family of local aggregation operators without learnable weights, named Position Pooling (PosPool), which is simpler than previous operators but performs similarly well or slightly better. Both PyTorch and TensorFlow implementations are given.

Three datasets are tested, including ModelNet, S3DIS and PartNet. Our implementations all achieve (or are close to) the state-of-the-art accuracy on these benchmarks by proper configurations of each operator type. In particular, one settings achieves 53.8 part category mean IoU on PartNet test set, which outperforms previous best implementations by 7.4 mIoU.


  title={A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis},
  author={Liu, Ze and Hu, Han and Cao, Yue and Zhang, Zheng and Tong, Xin},

Main Results


Method Acc Tensorflow Model Pytorch Model
Point-wise MLP 92.8 Google / Baidu(wquw) Google / Baidu(fj13)
Pseudo Grid 93.0 Google / Baidu(lvw4) Google / Baidu(gmh5)
Adapt Weights 93.0 Google / Baidu(6zrg) Google / Baidu(bbus)
PosPool 92.9 Google / Baidu(pkzd) Google / Baidu(wuuv)
PosPool* 93.2 Google / Baidu(mjb1) Google / Baidu(qcc6)


Method mIoU Tensorflow Model Pytorch Model
Point-wise MLP 66.2 Google / Baidu(4mhy) Google / Baidu(53as)
Pseudo Grid 65.9 Google / Baidu(06ta) Google / Baidu(8skn)
Adapt Weights 66.5 Google / Baidu(7w43) Google / Baidu(b7zv)
PosPool 66.5 Google / Baidu(gqqe) Google / Baidu(z752)
PosPool* 66.7 Google / Baidu(qtkw) Google / Baidu(r96f)


Method mIoU (val) mIoU (test) Tensorflow Model Pytorch Model
Point-wise MLP 48.1 51.2 Google / Baidu(zw15) Google / Baidu(wxff)
Pseudo Grid 50.8 53.0 Google / Baidu(0mtr) Google / Baidu(n6b7)
Adapt Weights 50.1 53.5 Google / Baidu(551l) Google / Baidu(pc22)
PosPool 50.0 53.4 Google / Baidu(rb4x) Google / Baidu(3qv5)
PosPool* 50.6 53.8 Google / Baidu(2ts3) Google / Baidu(czyq)


Method mIoU msIoU Acc Pytorch Model
Point-wise MLP 85.7 84.1 94.5 Google / Baidu(mi2m)
Pseudo Grid 86.0 84.3 94.6 Google / Baidu(wde6)
Adapt Weights 85.9 84.5 94.6 Google / Baidu(dy1k)
PosPool 85.9 84.6 94.6 Google / Baidu(r2tr)
PosPool* 86.2 84.8 94.8 Google / Baidu(27ie)




Our tensorflow codes borrowed a lot from KPCONV.


The code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).