zellerlab / cayman

MIT License
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Cayman (Carbohydrate active enzymes profiling of metagenomes) is a command-line profiling tool for profiling CAZyme abundances in metagenomic datasets. It takes as input (preferably) cleaned -- quality-filtered and host-filtered -- metagenomic shotgun reads and produces a matrix of CAZyme Reads-Per-Kilobase-Million (RPKM) abundances for your sample. Cayman makes heavy use of the functional profiling library gqlib.




Cayman can most easily be installed via

Running Cayman

Cayman can be run from the command line as follows:

Attention: As of version 0.10.0, cayman profiling is invoked with cayman profile instead of cayman.

cayman profile \
  <input_options> \
  </path/to/db> \
  </path/to/bwa_index> \
  [--out_prefix <prefix>] \
  [--min_identity <float>] \
  [--min_seqlen <int>] \
  [--cpus_for_alignment <int>]

Mandatory parameters

Optional parameters


feature uniq_raw        uniq_rpkm       combined_raw    combined_rpkm
total_reads     2498819.00000   2498819.00000   2498819.00000   2498819.00000
filtered_reads  2241860.00000   2241860.00000   2241860.00000   2241860.00000
AA1     7.00000 16.09944        8.00000 18.91073
AA10    0.50000 3.32879 0.50000 3.32879
AA6     7.50000 30.03446        8.50000 33.29036

The first line is the header, followed by the counts of the total aligned reads and filtered reads. The following lines contain the counts for each CAZy family present in the sample: family name (feature), unique counts, unique counts rpkm-normalised, unique counts + ambiguous counts, unique counts + ambiguous counts rpkm-normalised.

 Annotating protein sets with Cayman hmms

The default hmm_database can be obtained from Zenodo

cayman annotate_proteome \
  </path/to/cayman/hmm_database> \
  </path/to/input/proteins> \
  [ -o/--output_file </path/to/output_file>, default: cayman_annotation.csv ] \
  [ -t/--threads <int> ] \
  [ --cutoffs <path/to/cutoff_values>, default: </path/to/cayman/hmm_database/cutoffs.csv>]