zementalist / Facial-Features-Measurement-and-Analysis

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Facial Features Measurement & Analysis


Measure 19 facial features using basic geometry equations, and produce scaled measurements in pixels


Some improvements are applied to the landmarks detection, for more information visit (this) notebook

Features Visual Description

Features Textual Description:

  1. Forehead Height: distance between the top edge of eyebrows and the top edge of forehead.
  2. Middle Face Height: distance between the top edge of eyebrows and nose tip.
  3. Lower Face Height: distance between nose tip and the baseline of chin.
  4. Jaw Shape: A number to differentiate between jaw shapes. this number can be replaced if you use Face Shape Recognition, see (this) notebook.
  5. Left Eye Area
  6. Right Eye Area
  7. Eye to Eye Distance: distance between eyes (closest edges)
  8. Eye to Eyebrow Distance: distance between eye and eyebrow (left or right is determined by whice side of the face is more directed to the -screen-)
  9. Eyebrows Distance: horizontal distance between eyebrows
  10. Eyebrow Shape Detector 1: The angle between 3 points (eyebrow left edge, eyebrow center, eyebrow right edge), to differentiate between (Straight | Non-straight) eyebrow shapes
  11. Eyebrow Shape Detector 2: A number to differentiate between (Curved | Angled) eyebrow shapes.
  12. Eyebrow Slope
  13. Eye Slope Detector 1: A method to calculate the slope of the eye. it's the slope of the line between eye's center point and eye's edge point. this detector is used to represent 3 types of eye slope (Upward, Downward, Straight).
  14. Eye Slope Detector 2: Another method to calculate the slope of the eye. it's the difference on Y-axis between eye's center point and eye's edge point. this detector isn't a 'mathematical' slope, but a number that can be clustered into 3 types of eye slope (Upward, Downward, Straight).
  15. Nose Length
  16. Nose Width: width of the lower part of the nose
  17. Nose Arch: Angle of the curve of the lower edge of the nose (longer nose = larger curve = smaller angle)
  18. Upper Lip Height
  19. Lower Lip Height

Inspirational Ideas

Any Suggestions?

What else would be useful to measure? face width? mouth width (for smile detection)? distance between eyes and mouth? let me know your thoughts and I'll try to apply in a notebook update