zemian / purple-index

Single index.php that list files and browse directories.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

A simple php to browse a DocumentRoot directory where it list all dirs and files.

SECURITY WARNING: Exposing directory and files is consider security risk for publicly hosted server! This script is only intended for internal web site and serve as tool.

Project Owner: Zemian Deng

Project Home: https://github.com/zemian/purple-index

License: The MIT License (MIT)

Release Notes: See index.php source comment

Live Demo: purple-index

To try it, run this:

php -S localhost:3000
open http://localhost:3000

Why called purple-index? I want an adjective starts with P that stands for PHP, so Purple Index is just as good as any.


Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #3

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