zemlyansky / ppo-tfjs

PPO in Tensorflow.js
MIT License
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ppo reinforcement-learning tensorflowjs tfjs

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) in Tensorflow.js

ppo-tfjs is an open-source implementation of the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm using Tensorflow.js. It's a one-file script that can be loaded directly into a browser or used in a Node.js environment.


npm install ppo-tfjs



<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs@latest"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ppo-tfjs"></script>


const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu')
const PPO = require('ppo-tfjs')


Create environment

ppo-tfjs require an environment that mimics Python's gym specification. The environment must have the following methods:


Following environment creates an agent and a goal both represented as x,y coordinates.
The agent receives rewards based on the distance to the goal (it's more like penalty here)
After each reset() the agent and goal are randomly placed in the environment.
class Env {
    constructor() {
        this.actionSpace = {
            'class': 'Box',
            'shape': [2],
            'low': [-1, -1],
            'high': [1, 1],
        this.observationSpace = {
            'class': 'Box',
            'shape': [4],
            'dtype': 'float32'
    async step(action) {
        const oldAgent = this.agent.slice(0)
        this.agent[0] += action[0] * 0.05
        this.agent[1] += action[1] * 0.05
        this.i += 1
        var reward = -Math.sqrt(
            (this.agent[0] - this.goal[0]) * (this.agent[0] - this.goal[0]) + 
            (this.agent[1] - this.goal[1]) * (this.agent[1] - this.goal[1])
        var done = this.i > 30 || reward > -0.01
        return [
            [this.agent[0], this.agent[1], this.goal[0], this.goal[1]],
    reset() {
        this.agent = [Math.random(), Math.random()]
        this.goal = [Math.random(), Math.random()]
        this.i = 0
        return  [this.agent[0], this.agent[1], this.goal[0], this.goal[1]]
const env = new Env()

Initialize PPO and start training

const ppo = new PPO(env, {'nSteps': 1024, 'nEpochs': 50, 'verbose': 1})
;(async () => {
    await ppo.learn({
        'totalTimesteps': 100000,
        'callback': {
            'onTrainingStart': function (p) {

Full configuration

const config = {
    nSteps: 512,                 // Number of steps to collect rollouts
    nEpochs: 10,                 // Number of epochs for training the policy and value networks
    policyLearningRate: 1e-3,    // Learning rate for the policy network
    valueLearningRate: 1e-3,     // Learning rate for the value network
    clipRatio: 0.2,              // PPO clipping ratio for the objective function
    targetKL: 0.01,              // Target KL divergence for early stopping during policy optimization
    netArch: {
        'pi': [32, 32],          // Network architecture for the policy network
        'vf': [32, 32]           // Network architecture for the value network
    activation: 'relu',          // Activation function to be used in both policy and value networks
    verbose: 0                   // Verbosity level (0 for no logging, 1 for logging)
const ppo = new PPO(env, config)