zenangst / Tailor

:necktie:A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs
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A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs.

Mapping objects to arrays or dictionaries can be a really cumbersome task, but those days are over. Tailor features a whole bunch of nifty methods for your model sewing needs.

Mapping properties

Tailor features property, relation(s) mapping for both struct and class objects.


struct Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")

let dictionary = ["first_name" : "Taylor", "last_name" : "Swift"]
let model = Person(dictionary)


class Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""

  required convenience init(_ map: [String : AnyObject]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")

let dictionary = ["first_name" : "Taylor", "last_name" : "Swift"]
let model = Person(dictionary)

Mapping objects

struct Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""
  var spouse: Person?
  var parents = [Person]()

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")
    spouse    <- map.relation("spouse")
    parents   <- map.relations("parents")

let dictionary = [
  "first_name" : "Taylor",
  "last_name" : "Swift",
  "spouse" : ["first_name" : "Calvin",
              "last_name" : "Harris"],
  "parents" : [
             ["first_name" : "Andrea",
              "last_name" : "Swift"],
              ["first_name" : "Scott",
              "last_name" : "Swift"]
let model = Person(dictionary)


struct ImmutablePerson: SafeMappable {
  let firstName: String
  let lastName: String
  let spouse: Person
  let parents = [Person]()

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) throws {
    firstName = try map.property("firstName").unwrapOrThrow()
    lastName = try map.property("lastName").unwrapOrThrow()
    spouse = try map.relationOrThrow("spouse").unwrapOrThrow()
    parents = try map.relationsOrThrow("parents").unwrapOrThrow()

let immutablePerson: ImmutablePerson
do {
  immutablePerson = try TestImmutable(["firstName" : "foo" , "lastName" : "bar"])
} catch {


struct Person: Mappable {

  var firstName: String? = ""
  var lastName: String? = ""
  var spouse: Person?
  var parents = [Person]()
  var birthDate = NSDate?

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    firstName <- map.property("first_name")
    lastName  <- map.property("last_name")
    spouse    <- map.relation("spouse")
    parents   <- map.relations("parents")
    birthDate <- map.transform("birth_date", transformer: { (value: String) -> NSDate? in
      let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
      dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
      return dateFormatter.dateFromString(value)

let dictionary = [
  "first_name" : "Taylor",
  "last_name" : "Swift",
  "spouse" : ["first_name" : "Calvin",
              "last_name" : "Harris"],
  "parents" : [
             ["first_name" : "Andrea",
              "last_name" : "Swift"],
              ["first_name" : "Scott",
              "last_name" : "Swift"]
  "birth_date": "1989-12-13"
let model = Person(dictionary)


Tailor supports mapping values using deep keyPath

struct Book: Mappable {

  var title: String = ""
  var publisherName: String = ""
  var authorName: String = ""
  var firstReviewerName: String = ""

  init(_ map: [String : Any]) {
    title <- map.resolve(keyPath: "title")
    publisherName <- map.resolve(keyPath: "publisher.name")
    authorName <- map.resolve(keyPath: "info.author.name")
    firstReviewerName <- map.resolve(keyPath: "meta.reviewers.0.info.name.first_name")

Resolving value types.

Tailor supports mapping values from dictionaries using type specific functions.


You can also use value(forKey:ofType:), it works like this.

dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Bool.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Double.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Float.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: Int.self)
dictionary.value(forKey: "key", ofType: String.self)

All of these methods returns an optional value.


Tailor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Tailor'


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