zengyan-97 / X-VLM

X-VLM: Multi-Grained Vision Language Pre-Training (ICML 2022)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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multimodality vision-and-language x-vlm

X-VLM: learning multi-grained vision language alignments

Multi-Grained Vision Language Pre-Training: Aligning Texts with Visual Concepts. Yan Zeng, Xinsong Zhang, Hang Li. arXiv 2021.

X-VLM (216M parameters: swin-base + 6L text + 6L cross): PWC PWC PWC PWC PWC PWC PWC PWC PWC


We are looking for interns / FTEs at ByteDance AI-LAB (in Beijing / Shanghai)! If you are interested in working with us on vision language models, please send your resume to zhangxinsong.0320@bytedance.com.


Please read the code for more details.



python3 run.py --task "pretrain_4m_base" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/pretrain_4m_base"

For distributed training across nodes, see run.py for more details. To make a fair comparison of some recent works, we pre-trained X-VLM (4M/16M) for 200K steps.


🌟UPDATE: our multi-lingual multi-modal project Cross-View Language Modeling released the text of COCO+VG+SBU+CC3M and Object And Region Annotations in six languages. You can use english text for X-VLM pre-training.

All datasets we utilized are publicly available. We cannot re-distribute the data. So, please prepare the pre-training data by yourself. Here, we provide some data examples. Read the code dataset/pretrain_dataset.py/ImageTextJsonDataset & RegionTextJsonDataset for details.

# image-captions pairs, providing 'binary' or 'image_rpath' 
{'caption': 'dog on bike in harajuku', 
 'binary': binary_encoding_of_the_image, 
 'image_rpath': local_rpath_of_the_image

# object/region annotations, providing 'binary' or 'image_rpath' 
{'elems': [{'caption': 'lady sitting at table that has pizza on it',  # str or list of str  
            'bb': [155, 0, 205, 131]   # (x, y, w, h)
           {'caption': 'window',  
            'attributes': 'closed',  # str or list of str 
            'bb': [20, 130, 335, 185]
 'caption': if_exist,  # str or list of str 
 'binary': binary_encoding_of_the_image, 
 'image_rpath': local_rpath_of_the_image


X-VLM (4M, 200K steps)
X-VLM (16M, 200K steps)


Datasets for finetuning and checkpoints of X-VLM (4M/16M) can be downloaded in following links.


download json files

Checkpoints and Logs (16M)


Checkpoints and Logs (4M)



# train
python3 run.py --task "vqa" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/vqa" --checkpoint "4m_base_model_state_step_199999.th"

# train: if using >2 nodes for fine-tuning, specify --output_hdfs to save some tmp results; it is only required by vqa & refcoco 
python3 run.py --task "vqa" --dist "all" --output_dir "output/vqa" --output_hdfs "hdfs://xxx/vqa_tmp" --checkpoint "4m_base_model_state_step_199999.th"  

# evaluate
python3 run.py --task "vqa" --dist "1" --evaluate --output_dir "output/vqa_eval" --checkpoint "4m_base_finetune/vqa/model_state_epoch_9.th"

Specify "--task" to finetune on image-text retrieval, nlvr2, visual grounding, or image captioning. See run.py for details.

More Examples of Captioning:

# adapt cross-modal encoder + MLM head -> lm decoder; subsequent fine-tuning is included   
python3 run.py --task "coco_capt_domain" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/coco_capt_domain" --checkpoint "4m_base_model_state_step_199999.th"

# fine-tune only; evaluate is included 
python3 run.py --task "coco_captioning" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/coco_captioning" --checkpoint "4m_base_finetune/coco_caption/lm_domain_pretrain.th"
# evaluate only
python3 run.py --task "coco_captioning" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/coco_captioning" --evaluate --checkpoint "4m_base_finetune/coco_caption/coco_capt_ft_epoch_4.th"

# further CIDEr optimization; evaluate is included 
python3 run.py --task "coco_captioning_scst" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/coco_captioning_scst" --checkpoint "4m_base_finetune/coco_caption/coco_capt_ft_epoch_4.th"
# evaluate only
python3 run.py --task "coco_captioning" --dist "1" --output_dir "output/coco_captioning_scst" --evaluate --checkpoint "4m_base_finetune/coco_caption/coco_capt_cider_step_41000.th"

To make a fair comparison, we follow the previous works for fine-tuning. So, some scripts are based on ALBEF, OSCAR, and BLIP. We thank the authors for opening source their code.

Evaluation on VLUE

VLUE is a new OOD benchmark to evaluate vision-language models, which has been accepted by ICML2022.

python3 run.py --task "eval_vlue_itr" --dist "1" --evaluate  --output_dir "output/" --checkpoint "itr_coco/checkpoint_9.pth"

python3 run.py --task "eval_vlue_vqa" --dist "1" --evaluate  --output_dir "output/" --checkpoint "vqa/model_state_epoch_9.th"

python3 run.py --task "eval_vlue_nlvr" --dist "1" --evaluate  --output_dir "output/" --checkpoint "nlvr/nlvr_ft/checkpoint_best.pth"

python3 run.py --task "eval_vlue_refcoco" --dist "1" --evaluate  --output_dir "output/" --checkpoint "refcoco_bbox/checkpoint_best.pth"

python3 run.py --task "eval_vlue_refcoco_weakly" --dist "1" --evaluate  --output_dir "output/" --checkpoint "refcoco/checkpoint_best.pth"


If you find this repository useful, please considering giving ⭐ or citing:

  title={Multi-Grained Vision Language Pre-Training: Aligning Texts with Visual Concepts},
  author={Zeng, Yan and Zhang, Xinsong and Li, Hang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.08276},


For issues using this code, please submit a GitHub issue.