zenmacs / .emacs.d

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Zenmacs - an .emacs.d


Zenmacs has the goal of providing a lightweight IDE experience (similar to Atom, dissimilar to IntelliJ), with intuitive tools that work perfectly, a holy-grail window layout, clean support for handling/displaying arbitrarily many workspaces/projects/files, and a persistent desire for un-sucking Emacs, disregarding complexity-inducing features and consistently embracing better approaches.

Often I've gone as far as creating custom systems that subvert the Emacs way, and forking/maintaining projects as needed.

The feature set aims to have just the right size: one big enough to provide a satisfactory experience, but small enough to be adoptable (less chances for bugs, lack of documentation or discrepancies in opinions).

Worth noting, this is not "some guy's emacs". You won't find here oddities specific to my work, locale, OS environment, opinions, etc. All such stuff is in a separate repo: .emacs.d.overrides, which contents will vary per-user.

Similarly, this isn't some kind of boilerplate project with an opinionated automagical setup for every programming language under the face of Earth. For genericity, only Clojure, Elisp, and lsp-mode are core to this project. I set up other major modes like Ruby, JavaScript etc in the mentioned .emacs.d.overrides directory/repo: as one gets more specific, there's an increased chance for doing something you disagree with (or don't care about).

Importantly, I've developed a lot of Clojure-specific features, which make Zenmacs unique and powerful.

You are encouraged to customize anything and everything. If Zenmacs makes it difficult for you - it's a bug!

Key features:


"But, monolith"

This setup is somewhat similar to others in that it's a monolithic conglomerate of functionality - you couldn't cherry-pick just what you wanted.

This has the drawback of being all-or-nothing: either you use all the provided features, or you are left bare-bones and have to build it all yourself (maybe copying some bits).

I am aware of this weakness. Be assured, dear reader, that if this project takes off, I will split this setup into many independent packages. Meanwhile such effort would be premature optimization.

Getting started

Customizing keyboard shortcuts, creating project-specific configuration, etc.

Its structure is as follows:

└── lib
    └── emacs.d.overrides.el       # Global user-specific configuration
    └── zenmacs.project.foobar.el  # Configuration specific to the project with id `foobar`
    └── zenmacs.project.bazquux.el # Configuration specific to the project with id `bazquux`

In emacs.d.overrides.el you can:

(provide 'emacs.d.overrides)

(setq vemv/shortcuts/global/primary-b nil)                ;; nullify an undesired binding
(setq vemv/shortcuts/global/primary-r 'vemv/duplicate)    ;; customize a binding
(setq vemv.project.reasonable-file-count?/threshold 1000) ;; customize a global (non-project-specific) config value

And more. You can also define user-specific functions, for arbitrary purposes (creating new functionalities), or also for creating helper functions for DRYing out project configuration (e.g. a set of projects must have the same configuration options).

As for the project-specific configuration files: these are great places for the stuff that varies between projects. Different formatting rules, expected directory structures, and so on.

Project files are created automatically, based on the value of vemv/available-workspaces. Creation happens both on Emacs startup, and every time you save emacs.d.overrides.el. This reduces the friction of creating config files.

All Elisp code under emacs.d.overrides/lib are loaded automatically every time you switch to a different project.