zephyrproject-rtos / twister

[DEPRICATED] Project won't be continued.
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 9 forks source link
deprecated embedded pytest test-automation test-framework testing



========== Twister v2

.. image:: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/twister/actions/workflows/main.yaml/badge.svg?branch=main :target: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/twister/actions?query=workflow?main :alt: Run tests .. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/zephyrproject-rtos/twister/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=F8DSSX20B5 :target: https://codecov.io/gh/zephyrproject-rtos/twister :alt: Code coverage

Pytest plugin to run Zephyr tests and collect results.


This repository is not used in production and is still under development. The code for Twister which is used in Zephyr's CIs can be found here <https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/main/scripts/twister>_.


Installation from github:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install git+https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/twister.git

Installation from the source:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install .

Installation the project in editable mode:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install -e .

Build wheel package:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install build python -m build --wheel



Show all available options:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --help

To use the plugin in a pytest run, simply add --twister to the command line invocation:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister ...

Run tests:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister -v --zephyr-base= --platform=native_posix --tb=no

<PATHS_TO_SCAN_FOR_TEST> can be e.g. tests/kernel/common samples/hello_world

If environmental variable ZEPHYR_BASE is set, one can omit --zephyr-base argument.

We advise here to use an extra pytest argument --tb=no. It will turn off completely pytest traceback since it can be very confusing for regular twister users.

Pytest by default captures any output sent to stdout and stderr and only prints it in case of a failure. It can be disabled by adding -s argument. This allows seeing such output in real-time, e.g. an output printed by a device under test and build logs in case of build failure.

A user can also set the logging level with --log-level, e.g. --log-level=DEBUG.

The verbosity level can be decreased by removing -v from the command and increased by adding an extra one.

Other usefull commands:

Parallelization of test execution is supported thanks to the xdist plugin. It can be turned on by adding -n auto to the command. auto can be replaced with integers telling explicitly how many workers to spawn.

Show what fixtures and tests would be executed but don't execute anything:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --setup-plan

List all tests without executing:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --collect-only

Run tests only for specific platforms:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --platform=native_posix --platform=nrf52840dk_nrf52840

Provide directory to search for board configuration files:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --board-root=path_to_board_dir


Generate test plan in CSV format:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --testplan-csv=testplan.csv --collect-only

Use custom path for test plan in JSON format:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --testplan-json=custom_plan.json --collect-only

Use custom path for result report in JSON format:

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --resutls-json=custom_name.json

Filtering tests

Run tests with given tags (@ is optional and can be omitted):

.. code-block:: sh

pytest --twister tests --tags=@tag1,@tag2

Examples of usage:


Scan connected devices and create hardware map:

.. code-block:: sh

twister_tools --generate-hardware-map hardware_map.yaml

Scan connected devices and list hardware map:

.. code-block:: sh

twister_tools --list-hardware-map

List all platforms:

.. code-block:: sh

twister_tools --list-platforms

List default platforms only:

.. code-block:: sh

twister_tools --list-platforms --default-only


Our plugin requires pytest-subtest plugin, however, we modify the behavior of "subtests" introduced with this plugin. The original implementation is based on subtest concept from unittest framework where such items are counted and reported in a peculiar way.

The fact that we modify the behavior of subtests in our plugin can influence users who are using unittest-based subtests in other projects. After adding our plugin to their existing environment the reporting of their existing subtests can change. To mitigate such issues we recommend running different projects in different virtual environments.

Additional context: Twister defines 2 levels of "test items":

In our plugin, we modified the reporting and counting of subtests to match how twister is doing it. Test suites are "tests" in pytest nomenclature and ztest test cases are based on subtests but they don't follow original unittest rules. E.g. in unittest, when a subtest fails it is counted towards failing tests but when it passes it is not counted towards tests. In our implementation, tests, and subtests have their own counters. I.e. subtests counts are not "leaking" into tests counts.