zer0p1us / mod-mender

Update your mod list automatically
MIT License
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mod-mender πŸ”¨

Tool to automatically update a set of mods to a given version of minecraft.

Supported platforms:


Currently Poetry will handle all the building and running as well as dependecies loading


To install all the dependencies in the virtual environment run the following from the root of the repository

poetry install


Once all the depencies have been install run the following to run the actual program, still from the root of the repository (or change the path to the main file)

poetry run python src/mod_mender/main.py


To create an installable build, run the following

poetry build

This will create a new dir called dist where a tar.gz and a whl files will be present, to install these packages call the following

pip install {path-to-build}

Now you can call it from the terminal with

mod-mender {file name}


The src is structured as follows

└── mod_mender

This is due to how poetry creates builds, the "top" folder determines what the package folder will be called when installed. This means if the src was to be left as the "top" folder the package would be installed under ../site-packages/src, needless to say this is just asking for trouble. So the mod_mender was neccessary as a stopgap, on the other hand why even bother to keep the src folder? because I want to and because it feels wrong to not have a src folder. Another details is that it has to be mod_mender rather than mod-mender; so far as I understand it, it's a result of - not being a valid char in a python module name.