zero-to-mastery / mappypals

An abandoned student led project. Reach out on Discord if you would like to revive the project!
MIT License
57 stars 77 forks source link
friends mapbox maps mutual-friends pin-friends react react-mapbox-gl student-led-project students travel travel-plan

MAPPYPALS :earth_africa:

An app that keeps track of your friends by putting them on a map

MappyPals is a collaboration project managed by a small group of dedicated fellow students. Building an application to provide users a platform to keep track of which countries their friends and family are in, to make meeting up an easier task.

MappyPals is being built upon the MERN stack, with the intention of releasing and maintaining the project in the real world based upon user suggestions and feedback. Therefore providing an awesome opportunity not only the ability to expand on and learn new skills, but also a project you can include on your resume and show off to friends, family and potential employers.

Useful Links


Product Specs


Version 1.0

Version 2.0



Our mission is to make it easier for people (travelers, students) to connect with like-minded people abroad.


Success Metrics


Timeline/Release Plan

Release & Launch


Persona X (Int’l Student) Name: Lorem Ipsum Age: 22 Nationality: Nigerian Profession: Student (Int’l student) Study Location: Malaysia (abroad) Employed: No

Persona Y (Digital Nomad) Name: John Doe Age: 28 Nationality: American Profession: Web Developer Location: Bali, Indonesia Employed: Yes

Persona Z (Volunteer) Name: Sally Age: 26 Nationality: American Profession: Volunteerer
Location: Bali, Indonesia Employed: Yes

User Scenarios

User Sign Up/ Login

Map Functionalities

Browser Permission

Map interaction

Pin Friend to Map

Friend Invitation Flow

flow chart to copy/paste when push made

User Changes Location

Search / Filter

User Adds Travel Plan

User Stories / Features /Requirements

Here are the full lists of feature we plan to implement throughout the lifespan of this product. It is important to know that the features might (and will) change based on the user feedbacks we get post-launch. Till then, these are some features we should keep in mind when building this application.


