zeroasterisk / CakePHP-Eip

Edit in Place Plugin (Helper/Component) for CakePHP (requires jquery)
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Eip: Edit in Place for CakePHP

This is a helper to simplify Edit in Place functionality in CakePHP views

Validation is done in the Model, optionally also in the View (currently little )

Demo Screencast (2:21)

Inspiration from:

Huge credit to the fantastic X-editable library:



git clone app/Plugin/Eip

Decide on a supported Library.

For more information on these options check out (X-editable)[]

All following examples assume bootstrap is chosen (others are included in this package, you just have to move them into place appropriatly)

Setup Library JS/CSS: Method A: symlink

cd app/webroot
ln -s ../Plugin/Eip/webroot/bootstrap-editable/bootstrap-editable eip

Setup Library JS/CSS: Method B: copy the directory

cd app/webroot
cp -r ../Plugin/Eip/webroot/bootstrap-editable/bootstrap-editable eip

Setup the Config file (for option defaulting)

A basic config file has been included in the package, just copy it into place and edit...

cd app/Config
cp ../Plugin/Eip/Config/eip.php ./

If you already have a config file that is being loaded, you can also use that one

$config['Eip'] = array(


Add the following to app/Config/bootstrap.php


Configure: Edit app/Config/eip.php

The app/Config/eip.php file is the easiest way to configure Eip.

It allows you to setup sitewide configurations for Eip, but you can still override these configuration on a per-controller basis by passing in settings when initializing the helper.

Also, the config file is only loaded when the helper is iniitalized, so there's no extra applicaiton latency on controllers which don't load the helper.

Configure: Pass in settings when loading the helpers

Class SomethingController extends AppController {
    public $helpers = array(
        'Eip.Eip' => array(
            'pathToJs' => '...',
            'pathToJs' => '...',
            'options' => array(...)



public $helpers = array('Eip.Eip');

public $components = array('Eip.Eip');

 * simple option & lazy option
 * no view needed
public function eip() {

 * manual option offers more control and doesn't break MVC
 * view needed
public function eipManual() {
    if (!$this->myOwnSecurity($this->Auth->user())) {
        return $this->redirect('/');
    $data = $this->Eip->setupData('Page', array('Page' => array('is_active' => 1)));
    $saved = $this->Page->save($data);
    $this->set(compact('data', 'saved'));


In the view where you want the Edit in Place text to show (index, view, etc)

<?php echo $this->Eip->input('Page.title', $page); ?> <!-- no hover title -->
<?php echo $this->Eip->input('Page.title_alt', $page, 'Alternate Title of Page'); ?>
<?php echo $this->Eip->input('Page.title_head', $page, array('title' => 'Title of Page in the header')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Eip->input('Page.title_other', $page, $options); ?> <!-- see list of options below -->


// At the bottom of the page
// might already be there (non-inlined JS from HtmlHelper)
echo $this->fetch('script');


For more details on options see (X-editable)[]

You may set these options anywhere you like. Here's the load order (later overwrites)

$options = array(
    // -----------------------
    // options for container on page & data setup
    // url to be submit to via ajax (array or string)
    //   (or it can be a custom JS function instead of an ajax url)
    //   the default will end up being on the current prefix/controller
    //     with the 'action' of 'eip'
    'url' => array('action' => 'eip'),
    // if empty, will attempt to get from the data
    //   translates to 'pk' option in x-editable
    'id' => null,
    // if set, overrides the display of the Eip
    'display' => null,
    // wrapper container
    'element' => 'span',
    // wrapper class for container
    'elementClass' => 'eip-wrap',
    // title/tooltip
    'title' => null,
    // rel
    'rel' => null,
    // -----------------------
    // options for input
    // Type of input. Can be text|textarea|select|date|checklist and more
    'type' => 'text',
    'mode' => 'popup', // inline or popup
    // -----------------------
    // x-editable options which are passed through "as is" if not null
    //   for more info:
    'ajaxOptions' => null,
    'anim' => null,
    'autotext' => null,
    'disabled' => null,
    'emptyclass' => null,
    'emptytext' => null, // placeholder
    'name' => null, // taken from id attribute
    'onblur' => null,
    'params' => null,
    'placement' => null,
    'savenochange' => null,
    'selector' => null,
    'send' => null,
    'showbuttons' => null,
    'success' => null,
    'toggle' => null,
    'validate' => null, // custom clientside validation
    'value' => null, // Initial value of input. If not set, taken from element's text.
    // x-editable options for other input types
    'inputclass' => null,
    'tpl' => null,
    // textarea
    'rows' => null,
    // select & checklist
    'source' => null,
    'prepend' => null, // empty option
    'sourceCache' => null,
    'sourceError' => null,
    'separator' => null, // checklist only
    // date
    'format' => null,
    'viewformat' => null,
    'datepicker' => null,
    'clear' => null,
    // combodate
    //   <script src=""></script>
    'template' => null,
    'combodate' => null,
    // wysihtml5
    //   Wysihtml5 default options.
    'wysihtml5' => null,


Want to customize the feedback for error / exception handling?

No Problem... just create the EipDataException class somewhere before the EipComponent is initialized into the controller, and your Exception handler takes over rendering.

Note: it must return a non-200 Http Status code...

class EipDataException extends CakeException {
    protected $_messageTemplate = '%s %s';
    public function __construct($message, $data=null, $debugOnly=null) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 417 Expectation Failed");
        if (!empty($data)) {
            $data = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9 \-\_:]+#', ' ', json_encode($data));
            $data = "($data)";
        echo sprintf($this->_messageTemplate, $message, $data);
        if (Configure::read('debug') > 2) {
            echo json_encode($debugOnly);