Automatically optimize your images on S3 with the magic of AWS Lambda.
is a fork of Optim.
It is a super-simple Lambda function that can listen to an S3 bucket for uploads, and runs everything it can through imagemin.
Currently supported:
Clone this repo:
git clone
Install Node packages:
npm install
Configure AWS credientials if they are not already set in your environment:
aws configure
Create an IAM role for Optim to use. It needs the following permissions on all the S3 buckets you want to use (allowing these operations on ARN *
is easiest to start with):
Find the ARN for this role. It looks something like arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/YOURROLEHERE
Create with claudia for the first time:
npm run create --role arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/YOURROLEHERE --region us-east-1 --memory 1536 --timeout 300 --version development --handler bin.default --name image-optim
You can now hook this function up to any S3 bucket you like in the management console. Easiest way is to follow AWS's guide
Extract ImageMagick:
npm run extract-imagemagick
Update with claudia:
npm run update
npm run test
The script expects an s3 trigger. You can invoke this directly and send in your own trigger event/data if you make it look like this:
"Records": [ {
"s3": {
"object": {
"key": "somefolder/somefile.png"
"bucket": {
"name": ""
} ]
AWS lambda runs on linux. Sometimes packages rely on binaries which have to be for the runtime. There are other ways to accomplish this, but here is one of the easiest.
rm -rf node_modules
docker run -v "${PWD}:/var/task" "/Users/<name>/.aws:/root/.aws" lambci/lambda:build "npm i && npm run update"
NOTE: this should work, but I have had issues with it. WIP
Big credit goes to Optim the original project, which is 80% of the code.
Also, bigger credit to the imagemin project which does the heavy lifting.