zerobase-io / smart-tracing-api

Backend/DB/API repository for the Zerobase platform
Apache License 2.0
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Zerobase API Server

This repository contains the back end for the Zerobase smart tracing platform. Refer to the smart-tracing repo for the front end. We are using Kotlin and Neo4j with cloud storage on Heroku. We are using Dropwizard for the REST framework. Kotlin requires Java and Maven.

Any commands shown in this read-me are written in bash. If you are on Windows or use an alternate shell, like fish, please adjust the commands accordingly.

There are other README files throughout the project. They are located in the source folders that most closely align with the readme contents.

Architecture Notes

Development Setup


The backend is written in Kotlin. While you can work on it in any editor, such as vim or VS Code, it is significantly easier to use an IDE. We recommend IntelliJ. If you are using Intellij, the Kotlin plugin must be at least 1.3.70.

Java 11

This project targets the current LTS version of Java: 11. You are welcome to use any of the JDK implementations locally, but deployments will be done using an AdoptOpenJDK build. If you want to use Oracle's official JDK, it can be dowloaded here. We recommend, however, that you install the JDK using a package manager, such as brew on macOS, to easily stay up to date.


Maven is a dependency management and build tool that is commonly used in the Java world. It is available for installation via package managers, such as brew on macOS, for easy updating (recommended way) but can also be installed manually.

Install manually


Docker is used to run external services locally for front-end development or tests instead of requiring access to a cloud environment. Some of the resources can be run without docker, but some don't really have local install options. Install docker manually by following this guide or via a package manager.

Running Locally

Docker Compose

We have a docker compose file that will spin up all the pieces necessary and expose the API on your local machine. There are several environment variables that can be used to configure it:

Not changing the backend

To run the backend when not intending to work on it (useful if you are working only on the front end or testing it) you can pull it in from dockerhub with

docker-compose -f docker-compose-full-stack.yml upp app

Alternately, run just dependencies from docker-compose and build/develop on your machine

$ mvn clean install
$ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-dependencies.yml up database aws

Manually with Docker

Database - Gremlin

Localstack - AWS Fakes

Follow their startup documentation:


$ docker run -d --name=zerobase-api \
    -e WRITE_ENDPOINT=<gremlin-api host> \
    -e DB_PORT=<gremlin mapped port> \
    -e AWS_SES_ENDPOINT=<localstack ses http url (including port)>

Manually without Docker

Run Gremlin without Docker

If you're unable to use Docker to run Gremlin, there is an alternative available. The desktop version can be downloaded from here. The configuration instructions are found here. The default configuration should suffice.


Follow the documentation for a non-Docker SES fake. Here's one:


After cloning the project there are multiple ways to deploy it locally: from dockerhub, using an IDE or via the command line. There is also a docker-compose for setting up all dependencies. By default, the app listens on port 9000. You can override that with an environment variable of PORT if you need to. The local-config.yml defaults to localhost and 8182 for the database. Both can be overriden with environment variables, using WRITE_ENDPOINT and DB_PORT respectively.

Running in an IDE

The following directions use Intellij as the IDE, but the steps should be similar if you are using a different IDE.



Running from the command line.

Debugging / Calling end points

Database Model

Database Model