zerojay / RetroPie-Extra

A collection of unofficial scripts for adding more emulators/ports/games to RetroPie.
MIT License
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The download links in are not working #338

Open cpoliticas opened 4 years ago

cpoliticas commented 4 years ago

The download files install_bin_gamemaker function from script are broken and can't install those games in a raspberry pi.

cpoliticas commented 3 years ago

você executou o script? vá em Retropie-Setup >> Gerenciar Pacotes >> Gerenciar pacotes experimentais >> Gamemaker

ou execute-o diretamente de um terminal:

sudo ./RetroPie-Setup/

Yes, I've done it both ways. The problem seems to be that the links running in the script doesn't work anymore:

I don't know if yoyogames moved the games to another place, or they removed them completely.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure YoYo changed the all of the visible links to redirect back to the main page and deleted the landing page for the project, most likely because it didn't work out of the box with newer versions of Raspbian and the guy who was working on the thing at the time retired from the company (all just speculation on my part). Luckily, the direct download links are still up, and Wayback Machine seems to have all the links archived:

2play commented 3 years ago

games on Buster wont run with below error:

/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by MalditaCastilla)