zerojay / RetroPie-Extra

A collection of unofficial scripts for adding more emulators/ports/games to RetroPie.
MIT License
307 stars 99 forks source link
emulator retropie retropie-setup

Repo is archived/read-only

Hi. A combination of my poor health and the targetted harassment by a small group of RetroPie users who believe I owe them my time has made me decide that I can't do this any longer. My enthusiasm for RetroPie has dropped due to these people and I haven't touched my Pi in a year. Also, I've spent a significantly greater amount of time on tinkering and playing around with emulators and I just want to get back to actually enjoying the games themselves again.

To those of you who have contributed and shown interest in my work, thank you. It's because of you that I worked so hard on this over the years and it's because of you that I am archiving this and not just deleting the repository outright. I'm hoping that someone within the RetroPie community will step up, clone the repo and keep the good times rolling for you all. Have fun, and I'm sure that you'll see me around here and there in various retrogaming communities.


This is a collection of unofficial installation scripts for RetroPie allowing you to quickly and easily install emulators, ports and libretrocores that haven't been included in RetroPie for one reason or another. These scripts can be considered experimental at best.

Those in the master branch have been tested reasonably and should work well but may have some flaws as they haven't gone through the RetroPie's watchful eyes yet. Scripts that are unfinished/untested/unpolished will not be located in this repository and instead have been moved to RetroPie-Extra-unstable.

Pull requests and issue reports are accepted and encouraged as well as requests. Feel free to use the issue tracker to send me any personal requests for new scripts that you may have.


The following commands clone the repo to your Raspberry Pi and then run to install the scripts in the master branch directly to the proper directories in the RetroPie-Setup/ folder.

cd ~
git clone
cd RetroPie-Extra/

The installation script assumes that you are running it on a Raspberry Pi with the RetroPie-Setup/ folder being stored in /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup. If your setup differs, just copy the scripts directly to the folder they need to be in.


After installing RetroPie-Extra, the extra scripts will be installed directly in the RetroPie Setup script (generally in the experimental section), which you can run from either the command line or from the menu within Emulation Station.

cd ~
cd RetroPie-Setup/
sudo ./


The following commands update your Raspberry Pi to the latest repo and then run to install the scripts in the master branch directly to the proper directories in the RetroPie-Setup/ folder.

cd ~
cd RetroPie-Extra/
git pull origin

The installation script assumes that you are running it on a Raspberry Pi with the RetroPie-Setup/ folder being stored in /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup. If your setup differs, just copy the scripts directly to the folder they need to be in.


Here are some helpful hints for getting around some possible issues that you may encounter.

The port I installed appears to close immediately upon launching.

In most cases, this is likely because the port requires external data files, especially in the case of game engines. In cases where shareware datafiles are available, the port will install them where possible. Otherwise, you will need to provide your own. The warning dialog box at the end of installation should usually tell you what files will be needed and where to place them. If you somehow don't see a dialog box after installation, you can open the script itself and look towards the bottom for the warning.

What is the directory structure needed for lr-daphne?

I haven't worked that out yet. If you have, drop me a line.

Included Software

Master Branch





Future To-Do List

I've moved this over to the file.

Hall of Fame - Scripts accepted into RetroPie-Setup

Contact Info / Additional Information

If you wish to be up-to-date about all the changes happening to the repository as they happen, feel free to join the #retropie-extra channel on Freenode.