zesterer / tao

A statically-typed functional language with generics, typeclasses, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, algebraic effects, associated types, good diagnostics, etc.
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A statically-typed functional language with polymorphism, typeclasses, generalised algebraic effects, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, good diagnostics, and much more!

Demo of Tao's features

For more example programs, see...


Right now, Tao is a hobby project and I have no plans to turn it into a production-worthy language. This may change as the project evolves, but I'd rather spend as much time experimenting with new language features for now. That said, I do have a few goals for the language itself:


Current working on

Planned features


Interesting features

Here follows a selection of features that are either unique to Tao or are uncommon among other languages.

Generalised algebraic effects

Tao has support for 'generalised algebraic effects'. 'Effects' means that Tao can express the side-effects of functions (IO, mutation, exceptions, async, etc.) in type signatures. 'Generalised' means that it's possible for you to create and use your own effects to express whatever your heart desires. 'Algebraic' means that Tao allows code to be generic over an effect (or set of effects). For example, consider the map function, used to apply a function to each element of a list in turn:

fn map A, B : (A -> B) -> [A] -> [B]
    | _, [] => []
    \ f, [x .. xs] => [f(x) .. map(f, xs)]

map can be used like so to, for example, double all elements of a list:

[1, 2, 3, 4]
    -> map(fn x => x * 2)

# Result: [2, 4, 6, 8]

Most languages, such as Rust, have a function like this. Unfortunately, it breaks down quickly when we want to do anything even slightly different to a 'pure' mapping between elements within the mapping function. For example, consider a program for which the mapping function is fallible, or requires some asynchronous operation to complete. It's necessary to do one of two things:

It's worth noting that Haskell mostly solves this problem with monads: but they're frequently unwieldy. Effect systems and monads have many similarities, but the former works much harder to make them integrate better with regular control flow.

In Tao, this problem can be solved by making map generic over an effect parameter, like so:

fn map A, B, e : (A -> e ~ B) -> [A] -> e ~ [B]
    | _, [] => []
    \ f, [x .. xs] => [f(x)! .. map(f, xs)!]

A few things have changed here.

Firstly, we've introduced an effect parameter, e. Secondly, the type signature has changed: the mapper function, A -> B, now has e attached to its return type, resulting in A -> e ~ B. This is also present in the final return type of the function, e ~ [B], expressing that the side effects of the function as a whole correspond to those performed by the mapping function.

Secondly, a ! operator has appeared within the implementation after calling the mapping function. This is the 'effect propagation' operator and signals to the compiler that the side effects of f should be lifted to the signature of the function as a whole.

Note that, otherwise, the implementation remains the same: we have not needed to use any complicated machinery to handle the side effect (as might be the case in a Rust-style try_map), just a single additional operator.

As a result of this change, map now accepts mapping functions that perform any side effect: throwing errors, IO, yielding values, mutation, and many more. It also accepts function that perform arbitrary combinations of effects, or those that have no side effects at all (the empty set is still a valid effect set!):

# Yield each element of the list, resulting in a generator
[1, 2, 3, 4]
    -> map(fn x => yield(x)!)!

# Generate an error if any element of the list is `0`
[1, 2, 3, 4]
    -> map(fn x => if x = 0 then err("no zeroes allowed")! else x)!

# Print each element of the list
[1, 2, 3, 4]
    -> map(fn x => print(x)!)!

This is the expressive power of algebraic effect systems: we no longer need to worry about function colours, hidden panics/exceptions, or write many versions of a function to handle all kinds of irregular control flow. Because algebraic effects generalise so well, it also becomes possible to use them to separate out interfaces from implementations in a composable way, allowing developers to swap out the implementation of even very core APIs (such as filesystem access) as required without the complexity and awkwardness of intricate callback systems.

In Tao, effects are kinds, just like types, lifetimes, and constants in Rust. They're also represented independently of function signatures too, as 'effect objects' (you can think of effect objects as being like Future/Promises, but generalised to all side effects). Because of this, it's possible to use them in a vast array of contexts.

Arithmetic patterns

Tao's type system is intended to be completely sound (i.e: impossible to trigger runtime errors beyond 'implementation' factors such as OOM, stack overflow, etc.). For this reason, subtraction of natural numbers yields a signed integer, not a natural number. However, many algorithms still require that numbers be counted down to zero!

To solve this problem, Tao has support for performing arithmetic operations within patterns, binding the result. Because the compiler intuitively understands these operations, it's possible to statically determine the soundness of such operations and guarantee that no runtime errors or overflows can ever occur. Check out this 100% sound factorial program!

fn factorial =
    | 0 => 1
    \ y ~ x + 1 => y * factorial(x)

All functions are lambdas and permit pattern matching

Excluding syntax sugar (like type aliases), Tao has only two high-level constructs: values and types. Every 'function' is actually just a value that corresponds to an line lambda, and the inline lambda syntax naturally generalises to allow pattern matching. Multiple pattern arguments are permitted, each corresponding to a parameter of the function.

def five =
    let identity = fn x => x in

Exhaustive pattern matching

Tao requires that pattern matching is exhaustive and will produce errors if patterns are not handled.

Very few delimiters, but whitespace isn't semantic

In Tao, every value is an expression. Even let, usually a statement in most languages, is an expression. Tao requires no semicolons and no code blocks because of this fact.

Currying and prefix calling

In Tao, arg->f is shorthand for f(arg) (function application). Additionally, this prefix syntax can be chained, resulting in very natural, first-class pipeline syntax.

    -> filter(fn x => x % 2 == 0) # Include only even elements
    -> map(fn x => x * x)         # Square elements
    -> sum                        # Sum elements

Useful, user-friendly error diagnostics

This one is better demonstrated with an image.

Example Tao error

Tao preserves useful information about the input code such as the span of each element, allowing for rich error messages that guide users towards solutions to their programs. Diagnostic rendering itself is done by my crate Ariadne.

Automatic call graph generation.

Tao's compiler can also automatically generate graphviz call graphs of your programs to help you understand them better. Here's the expression parser + REPL from examples/calc.tao. The call graph will automatically ignore utility functions (i.e: functions with a $[util] attribute on them), meaning that even very complex programs suddenly become understandable.

Call graph of an expression parser in Tao



Compile/run a .tao file

cargo run -- <FILE>

Run compiler tests

cargo test

Compile/run the standard library

cargo run -- lib/std.tao

Compiler arguments