zetane / viewer

ML models and internal tensors 3D visualizer
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The free Zetane Viewer is a tool to help understand and accelerate discovery in machine learning and artificial neural networks. It can be used to open the AI black box by visualizing and understanding the model's architecture and internal data (feature maps, weights, biases and layers output tensors). It can be thought of as a tool to do neuroimaging or brain imaging for artificial neural networks and machine learning algorithms.

You can also launch your own Zetane workspace directly from your existing scripts or notebooks via a few commands using the Zetane Python API.

nodes tensors

Zetane Viewer


You can install the free Zetane viewer for Windows, Linux and Mac, and explore ZTN and ONNX files.

Download for Windows

Download for Linux

Download for Mac


In this video, we will show you how to load a Zetane or ONNX model, navigate the model and view different tensors:

Below is the step-by-step instruction of how to load and inspect a model in the Zetane viewer:

When a model is displayed in the Zetane engine, any components of the model can be accessed in a few clicks.

At the highest level, we have the model architecture which is composed of interconnected nodes and tensors. Each node represents an operator of the computational graph. Usually, an input tensor is passed to the model and as it goes through the nodes it will be transformed into intermediate tensors until we reach the output tensor of the model. In the Zetane engine, the data flows from left to right.


Statistics about the tensor value and its distribution is given in the histogram in the top panel. You can also see the tensor name and shape. The tensor and its values is represented in the middle panel and the bottom section contains tensor visualization parameters and a refresh button which allow the user to refresh the tensor. This is useful when the input or the weights are changing in real-time.


Tensor View Screenshot
N-dimensional tensor projected in the 3D space tensor_viz_3d
N-dimensional tensor projected in the 2D space tensor_viz_2d
Tensor values and color representations of each value based on the gradient shown on the x-axis of the distribution histogram tensor_viz_color-values
Tensor values__ tensor_viz_values
Feature maps view when the tensor has shape of dimension 3 tensor_viz_values


We have generated a few ZTN models for inspecting their architecture and internal tensors in the viewer. We have also provided the code used to generate these models.

Image Classification


Install the Zetane Viewer here.