Linux Configuration files
Clone this repo, and then cd into the nixconfig/
directory, then run sudo ./bashConfigure
, sit back, and enjoy.
You get: htop, tmux, vim, emacs24, silversearcher-ag (faster grep), docker, better bashrc with git integration, and some reasonable configurations for the above. Additionally, this assumes Ubuntu, so it installs the much lighter weight metacity, and gnome-session-flashback, which will allow you to choose your desktop environment upon startup.
Ubuntu 14.04+
a package manager: apt-get, apt-cyg. If on a mac, then homebrew shall be installed for you.
sudo ./bashConfigure install
re-installs everything
sudo ./bashConfigure copy
creates symbolic links on your $HOME directory to the dotfiles
sudo ./bashConfigure source
re-sources your dotfiles
sudo ./bashConfigure cs
copies and sources your dotfiles