Zguillez | Guillermo de la Iglesia
npm install -g yo
To install generator-landingpages from npm, run:
npm install -g generator-landingpages
Finally, initiate the generator:
yo landingpages
FIRST OF ALL you need to edit the file .sshconfig.
Edit the .sshconfig with the data of your SSH server access or FTP connection.
"domain": "https://{mydomain.com}",
"ssh": {
"host": "{ip}",
"username": "{username}",
"password": "{password}",
"path": "/var/www/vhosts/{mydomain.com}/httpdocs/",
"folder": "{folder}"
"ftp": {
"host": "ftp.{mydomain.com}",
"port": 21,
"username": "{username}",
"password": "{password}",
"local": "./",
"remote": "/"
Run de npm command prepare-local. This will edit the file inc/config.php with the .sshconfig data.
yarn prepare-local
Develop code on folder /src
Run npm task serve for development server
yarn serve
Contributors are welcome, please fork and send pull requests! If you have any ideas on how to make this project better then please submit an issue or send me an email.
©2018 Zguillez.io
Original code licensed under MIT Open Source projects used within this project retain their original licenses.